44 - Light and Darkness

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The remaining Bronze Saints saw Seiya disappear through the corridors of a completely destroyed House of Taurus. They kept their guard on alert while Aldebaran seemed to notice the sound of Seiya's footsteps dying from his temple. Shiryu, more attentively, noticed in the air a curious aroma of well-seasoned food.

"It will give me a lot of work to fight each of you, so I'll beat all of you at once."

A flash in the House of Taurus sent the bodies of three Bronze Saints flying across the temple.

They didn't see it, they just felt an immense pressure throughout their entire body and pain radiating through all their limbs as they were hurled against nearby columns before hitting the ground. They got up, leaning on each other, gasping for air, but soon they had to stay alert, for all the columns that hadn't collapsed around them began to topple over. The floor on which they were balanced also sank on one side and rose up on the other, as if it were liquid. That was how powerful the Taurus Saint were. He was destroying his own temple with precise balance, so that the House of Taurus could stand only because, if on one side Aldebaran tore down a column, on the other he raised an impossible floor to take its place.

"We need to break his posture!" shouted Shun, jumping from one platform to another that rushed in front of him. "Trust me and attack when I say."

Shun jumped to a second floor apparently fixed, but which was soon the target of Aldebaran's golden cosmos. With the fall of that marquee, Shun threw himself against the Taurus Saint throwing his Nebula Chains towards him with force while singing his voice.

"Thunder Wave!"

The chain flashed in the air ahead of him with force, zigzagging hard until it chained the Gold Saint's huge torso with his arms crossed. Shun landed in front of him, on his knees, and immediately discharged a violent electrical wave through his chain to electrocute the Gold Saint with his cosmos. Shun had his rosy aura around his body glowing like fire. Aldebaran, on the other hand, did not move an inch.

But, as incredible as it was, the huge golden bull felt uncomfortable with those chains holding him in his posture, and especially with the sensation of shock that ran through his body. He even felt a few strands of his eyebrows snap, burned.

"You, punk."

He opened both arms, breaking the chain like strings, when Shun's voice rang out in the house.

"Now!" he shouted to his friends.

Hyoga and Shiryu raised their cosmos with the greatest force they could muster at that moment and united their powerful techniques; a Dragon rose up behind Shiryu and her mighty fist conjured the fury of the rivers of Rozan joining the freezing blast of Hyoga who, dancing, conjured the snow around him.

"Diamond Dust! Rising Dragon!"

The two techniques united, attracted by the cosmos of the Bronze Saints, ripped the air violently in the direction of Aldebaran. He stretched out a single arm with his huge hand to stop them. Without appearing to make much effort, the Taurus Saint withstood and dissipated the power of those techniques and brought a sepulchral silence again inside that destroyed temple.

Aldebaran looked at his right hand and wiped away a thin layer of ice that had been left over. And then he let out a huge laugh.

"Congratulations, Bronze Saints." he said good-naturedly. "You managed to break my posture. I loved your strategy."

"What does that mean, Aldebaran?" Shun asked, standing up in front of him.

"That you can follow Seiya." he finally said.

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