Galaxies last forever

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The girl’s cheeks were flustered, her hair messy. It was adorable. 

There was something about her, something intriguing, something that had captured me.

She stretched, and the sleeve of her One Piece slipped down, revealing a small tattoo. I quickly grabbed her hand, pulling it closer for further examination.

“What’s this?” I asked curiously, carefully stroking the skin where a needle once had pierced through.

“Obviously, it’s a tattoo.” She answered casually.

“Yes, I see that. Does it mean anything?” 

She eyed me.

“It’s the infinity symbol.” 

“So you’re into witchcraft and that sort of shit?” I let go of her hand, and pulled off my hoodie.

“See, I’ve got one too.” I said, pointing to my five point star.

“What does yours mean?” She asked me, lightly tracing the tattoo. The touch gave me goosebumps, like electricity moving through her fingertips.

“One point for each lad!” I cleared my throat and put on my hoodie again. 

“You really seem to love them.” The girl gazed intently into my eyes.

“You’re observant, and yes,” I paused meeting her eyes, “I do love them.” 


The staff started rolling out food, offering either meat or chicken.

I picked chicken, and so did the boy next to me. We ate in silence, focusing on the movie playing on the screens in front of us, Toy Story. I could hear him laugh at the scenes, and I smiled to myself. He sure was something.

“This, is awful.” he said, talking about the food.

“You’ve finished it.” I pointed out. It was true, his white plastic plate was practically spotless.

“Not everything, I could give you a percentage. Around 3 percent…” 

The boy looked thoughtful for a moment,

“Or do a pie chart. In the shape of a cat, or a fish, because cat’s like fish.” 

“Why would you ever do that?”

“I don’t know…maybe because they smell.” The boy fired off a dimpled grin.

“You are such a loon.” I said, and started nibbling on a piece of fruit. He was still smiling, seemingly lost in thought. 

I sat back, refocusing on the movie. The lights in the cabin suddenly turned off, apparently it was nap time for the passengers.

The boy had put his beanie back on, and unbuckled his belt.

“Where are you going?” I whispered.

“Just going to use the loo, promise not to miss me too much whilst I’m gone.” He chuckled and slid himself between me and the seat infront of me. 

And now I seemed like a stalker.


I could hear her smack her head behind me, which only made the grin on my face bigger. The line to the loo was long, people waiting with toiletries. I noticed one younger girl, staring at me. She pulled on her dad’s hand, pointing.

“That’s Harry, daddy.” 

I pretended I hadn’t heard them, until I felt a knock on my shoulder. 

“Hello!” I said, putting all the cheeriness I could into my voice.

“May I pretty please have an autograph?” The little girl asked, insecurely looking back at her dad, who smiled.

“Of course you can sweetie.” I pulled up the black pen I always kept with me, “What’s your name?” 

“Darcy.” She answered, not meeting my gaze. I signed the small paper she had brought with her and gave the small girl a hug.

The toilet door opened and I hurried in.


My eyes kept slowly closing, so I pulled up the hood of the One Piece, unbuckled my belt and leaned down on the middle seat. 

‘Don’t fall asleep now.’ my brain warned me.

I was only vaguely aware of the boy returning, carefully lifting my head up and placing it in his lap. I wasn’t able to fight of the waves of tiredness washing over me. I gave in, letting my eyes drift tightly shut.


When I returned, the girl had stretched herself across the seats, appearing to be asleep. I slipped in and, as quietly and gently as I could, pulled her torso closer to me, placing her head in my lap.

Her blonde hair fell out of the hood of the overall, and I absentmindedly played with it, twirling it around my long fingers.

Was I ever going to see her again? I didn’t even know her name, yet somehow she had come to mean a lot to me, only during these past few hours. 

The girl stirred in her sleep, her eyes moving behind her eyelids. Hopefully she wouldn’t wake up and reposition herself, away from me. I liked this.

I leaned back, pulled down my beanie over my eyes and closed my eyes.

Look after you (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now