Crisp White Cold

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look after you, chapter 8


When I woke up that morning I knew exactly how I wanted to spend it. And with who I wanted to spend it with.

I quickly grabbed my phone, tapping in my message and hit send. Then I rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of pants and walked out into the kitchen.

Louis was nowhere to be found, presumably still with Eleanor.

That sneaky bastard, I thought to myself. He deserved it though, we had been working like crazy, it was incredibly nice to have a day off.

I opened my laptop, searching for the place I had dreamed of.


Who dares text at nine in the morning? I threw open my eyes frowning, and checked who the text was from. If it was Ollie I swear to God I’d throw a bucket of ice cold water on him.

Harry: “Up for a surprise today?” 

My heart skipped a beat when I saw his name on the screen and a smile lit up my face.

My bad mood was as washed away!

I swiftly typed back, and lay down in bed again, nestling up against the thick duvet. 


My phone vibrated next to me.

Alice(In Wonderland): “That depends, does it involve birds?”

I chuckled at her response, and felt somewhat relieved.

Harry: “I’ll scare them away if they come too close, I promise:)” 


It only took seconds for her to answer.

Alice(In Wonderland): “Then yes, I’m up for a surprise.”


Harry was due to pick me up in about an hour, which gave me plenty of time to get ready.

He’d told me to dress warmly. Warmly. Did that mean ‘eskimo’-warm or just warm?

Calm down Alice.

But that was all he’d told me. 

It’s a surprise.


My phone vibrated again, and I walked to get it, already knowing who it’d be.

He was downstairs. Again, butterflies swelled up.

The passenger seat was open, Harry leaning against the hood, and a song streamed through the speakers.

Viva La Vida.


Alice’s carefree walk turned into small pirouettes and jumps to the music when she recognized it, and her face lit up. Her black beanie with Mickey Mouse ears didn’t help tuning down her innocence.

Interesting what music does to you, isn’t it?

“Hello Miss Happy Go Lucky?” I said and winked. 

She giggled, stopping before me with a quick bow.

“Hello Mr This-all-reminds-me-of-Twilight.” 

“Twilight?” I asked her, raising my eyebrows.

“Yes, Twilight, you know the vampire movie.” She paused, eyeing me, “Except you’re hopefully not a 100 year old pedophile.”

Her comment made me laugh and I gestured for her to get in,

“Had too much sugar this morning did we Wonderland?” I asked her whilst walking round the car to the driver side. 

Alice smiled widely, then pursed her lips, “Are you going to reveal the location of this surprise, and please don’t let it be a church.”

“No, absolutely not, and why not a church?” I demanded.

“People get kidnapped. And forced into marriages.” 

Death stare until her face broke into one of laughter. What was with this girl?

“Sorry, I’m excited. I don’t make any sense.”,

“Don’t be sorry, it’s interesting.”

“Please turn left at the next roundabout.” The GPS womans voice startled me, allowing Alice to laugh even more.


What was with me today? I’d never been this giggle-y my entire life, and now, with Harry?

I gripped the handle on the car door tighter, an attempt to calm myself down. This was ridiculous. I couldn’t stop laughing. And the occasional yells from the GPS only enhanced it.

“You don’t get car sickness do you?” Harry asked after a while, when I had stopped laughing, well, he had been too.

“Nope, going into bumpy terrain?” 

“Maybe…” He answered with a smug grin. 


I turned in on the small way that led to the beach, because that was where I was taking her. 

Perfect weather, crisp, cold, clear.

“The beach?” She asked doubtfully.

I unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door. 

“Yes, the beach. Come on Wonderland!” I said and gave her a light nudge and got out of the SUV, and locked it.

Then we started walking, there was a small path that led from the parking lot to the long stretched sand.

It was quite chilly, mostly because of the frisk winds that blew gently from the ocean, and because of the lack of sun. Hopefully it would break through later.


Suddenly I felt something disappear from my head, or rather someone pulling my hat off.

Harry started running, laughing, down the hill of sand.

“Hey!!” I yelled and ran after him.

He was faster than me though, so after a few minutes of chasing him, I stopped, frowning.

Harry turned around and slowly jogged back to me, grinning victoriously. 

“Was I too fast for you?” He said and threw himself down next to me, propping himself on one elbow. His hair was messy, sand everywhere, but his eyes sparkled, the light of the beach scenery making them almost greyish green.

I reached out to brush away an escaped lock. 

“Yes.” With that, I snatched the hat and sprinted off. 

I could hear Harry coming up behind me, yelling something about being an evil little prick. Excitement burned through me, I couldn’t remember when I had enjoyed myself this much. 

There was just something with him.

Harry caught up with me, grabbed my waist and pulled me down with him, so we were laying on top of each other.

“You cheeky little monster, did you really think you could outrun me?” He said huskily and placed the hat on my head again. 

“It was worth a shot.” I winked and pushed myself off his chest. 

We were sitting, okay, I was sitting, Harry was still laying on the ground, on a raised sand dune overlooking the grey endless sea, flat surfaces broken by waves and tides. Further away I spotted a couple, walking their dog, hand in hand. 

“What are you thinking about?” Harry broke the natural silence and peaked up at me. 

I grinned, “About how you probably will be the end of me.”

He chuckled, and sat up. 

“Want to go grab something to eat?”

Look after you (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now