Studio Drama

17 0 0

I wake up with a pounding headache. Guess I drank too much last night. I roll over, at least I try to, and someone’s arms were restraining me. Then I noticed that I was naked and so was whoever was in the bed with me, he also had a hard on. I open my eyes, so I’m in a bunk. I hope that that means I’m on the bus. Maybe I slept with Luke. Then I noticed something on the boys arm, it’s a tattoo. Oh, fuck it’s an Indian head. I slept with Calum. I saw that I was on the side of the bunk by the curtain. I peeked out; no one seemed to be out there so I rolled out of the bunk and grabbed my extra blanket. I wrapped it around me and ran to the bathroom. Just my luck, Luke walked out of the bathroom.

I let out a breath, “Busted.”

“Please tell me you’re wearing clothes under that blanket?” he grumbled.

I smiled unconvincingly.

His nostrils flared, “please tell me you didn’t fuck a random,”

I shook my head.

“Please tell me you didn’t fuck one of my band mates.”

I bit my lip.


I smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

“Great,” he hissed. Then he pushed past me.

“Where are you going?”

“Out.” I heard the door slam.

I quickly got dressed and ran after him. Good thing I can get dressed fast. He hadn’t gotten far. I ran up next to him. “So where are we going?”

“I am going to get a drink; you are going back to the bus.”

“You aren’t old enough to drink in America, so you might as well rethink what you’re doing and include me in what you change it to.” I insisted.

He stops. He stands to his full height and glares down at me, “why don’t you go back, and fuck Calum.”

“Why don’t you stop being a jealous prick, and spend the day with me since you wanted me to come on this tour so badly.” I retorted.

“Sorry, that was before I knew you were a slut.”

I glare at him, “first of all you don’t know me Luke. Second, I warned you about party me. I told you parties get me in trouble, and you made me go anyway.”

“Well I told you to change out of your slutty outfit and you didn’t.”

“And I told you that wasn’t even close to slutty.”

We glared at each other for a moment.

“If you really didn’t want me to end up with Calum or anyone else for that matter, maybe you should have been the one to dance with me all night. Maybe you should have bought me drinks. Maybe you should have gotten off your ass and made it a point that you wanted to be the one to sleep with me, and not let anyone else be so lucky. Because I can tell you, I would have picked you over anyone else.”

His glare faltered.

“So will you please take me somewhere to get a greasy burger and a Dr. Pepper so I can get rid of this hangover?” I pleaded.

He took a breath and gave me a pitiful look, “Fine, we’ll go to McDonalds it’s around the corner.”

We walked in silence, then ordered our food when we got there, then sat down. The silence was starring to kill me. “Okay, please talk to me, the silence is killing me.”

Luke’s POV:

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