𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈; 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐭 🎀

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Jack was a grown man

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Jack was a grown man. Above the trivialities of frivolous and and immature outbursts. They had been left behind long ago. The same was not yet true for Alice, although she was learning to control those aspects.

However, Jack was going to realize that, perhaps, it could prove tricky even to him at times to really remain a grown man.

It was Thursday and the beginning of the month. February brought warmer days ahead and sunlight to welcome the new flowers blooming all around the capital. The splash of colors was enough to make one smile and feel at peace.

Alice had been interviewing new possible interns for the past three days, by Jack's suggestion. He'd told her that perhaps she would be more comfortable if this time she could choose the intern herself and avoid the Elizabeth fiasco. Few of them could really be taken seriously enough. Especially the last one on that day's list, who she'd been waiting for about twenty minutes already. Alice set the clipboard with each of the candidate's information aside. She was about to sigh in disappointment, knowing that she would have to continue reviewing another thirty or so applicants the next day. However, the door burst open, shocking her momentarily.

A young man appeared behind it, almost falling forward as he panted heavily. He mumbled, trying to speak, but unable to do so until he caught his breath.

His short ashy blonde hair was disheveled into numerous strands of rebellious curls that he'd obviously spent all morning trying to tame... Just to throw all that effort away in a hurried sprint to his interview.

"We can't have people who aren't punctual," Alice told him from the get-go.

"No, wait!" He exclaimed, still exhausted. He plopped down on the chair in front of her. "I need this." His hazel eyes exuded worry and at the same time, a desperate hopefulness that got to her.

Alice breathed in. "I'm sorry, Charles-"

"Charlie," the young man corrected.

Alice resumed after a pause. "I'm sorry, Charlie, but being punctual is one of the most important aspects we value."

"I know, I know. I apologize, it's just I have a difficult situation... I know I shouldn't be giving excuses, but..." It looked like Charlie wanted to continue speaking but he trailed off and looked downwards.

Instead, Alice gave him the chance to answer her questions, which she had been repeating over and over again for the past three days.

"We'll let you know, but it doesn't look good..." Alice felt terrible saying this, especially because Charlie looked like a nice person, and already seemed to be having a bad day. But it was what she had to do, and she had to be straightforward with him.

Charlie got up from the chair with a disappointed look.

"Thank you anyway." He ran his fingers through his messy hair, heading for the door again and muttering a farewell to Alice before leaving.

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