𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈; "𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐧𝐢𝐤" 🎀

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The state of the room, with clothes thrown all over the place and the suitcase practically empty, did not help Alice in her attempt to pack in the organized manner she had intended to. A little longer and the plane would not wait for her. But with help from María and Teresa, the packing up was finished in time. Alice had all she needed for her short stay in Europe.

This would be her first time in Europe. The Olivares' family never once went back to the old continent, viewing themselves as something similar to traitors. They did not stay in their home country and tried to heal it. Instead, they took what some called the 'coward's way out' by going to America. In any case, they were tremendously happy for Alice to accompany the president to that important summit.

"Will you be alright?" María asked her for the hundredth time, worried about her little girl going so far away from home and them for the first time. The only other time Alice had been away was when she went to summer camp, two years ago, and she did not have a good time.

"Yes," Alice answered, for the hundredth time as well, with a tired tone. She understood how anxious they were, considering they had always been so protective of her because of Alice's own anxiety. But even if they could not go with her, she would still be well looked after.

President Kennedy would take care of her as much as she did of him. It was like a silent pact they already had, apart from the nature of their professional relationship.

"All done." María handed her the suitcase and handbag.

"I should have done this sooner," Alice said, referring to packing up. "thanks." She kissed everyone goodbye and Agent Mason patiently waited for her to hop on the car.

"You better not come back with a European boy around your arm!" José warned her as a joke, but Alice knew he was serious. The man was so nervous about not being able to keep an eye on who got close to her, that the thought of not allowing her to go had crossed his mind once or twice.

"You talk as if you weren't European yourself, papi." She said with a tired sigh and a roll of her eyes. They all watched from the door as Alice got in the car. "Love you!" She exclaimed loud enough for the family to hear.

María sobbed a little but was tenderly comforted by her husband, who wrapped his arm around her.

Alice always tried to make conversation with Mason, but it was like he was intimidated by the girl. He would not look her in the eye and only spoke to her with simple formalities. It baffled Alice, who tried her best to get past her social anxiety by attempting to initiate those conversations with him. But perhaps he just deemed it unprofessional. For that reason, each time they had to drive somewhere, it was an incredibly dull ride.

But at last, they arrived on time. Barely in time, as they were rushed inside the Air Force One. Nevertheless, Alice was still able to appreciate the grandiose moment when she boarded the plane. She secretly felt like someone important for a moment. She was, however, nervous about her first time flying. Alice had only ever traveled on road trips, nothing so over the top. But the aircraft was cozy and comfortable, she knew it was one of the safest places in the world.

"Are you the Presidential aide?" An agent asked her once inside.

Alice nodded, and she was guided to the VIP staff's lounge while Mason went to the area designated for the secret service. When the press was finished boarding as well, it was time to take off.

She was given a booklet that explained their arrival in Paris, the welcome for the president, and the motorcade, with which she entertained herself until the plane reached altitude. She thought about getting some food but decided against it in case it did not sit well in her stomach. Unsure about what to do, since President Kennedy was asleep and needed nothing at the moment, Alice looked around cluelessly, until she saw Mason going towards her.

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