The rescue

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Niall's POV

I'm doing my routine check of looking out at the water and checking the surf, trying to see if anyone is in danger or in need of help. You see, I'm a lifeguard for Bondi Beach, one of the most famous and traveled beaches in the world. So far, today has been a fairly easy day with only a few scraped knees here and there to take care of so far, but that could change very quickly here at Bondi.

I'm just putting my binoculars down for a sec, when I see one of the fellow lifeguards, Louis, walking up to the tower. I give him one of my signature smiles, and a nod of my head to him to greet him, then get back to watching the surf. As I'm looking, I see a commotion far out in the water where the surf is heaviest and the most dangerous. I try to focus the binoculars a bit better and soon I can see a fin coming closer and closer to a surfer as they try to get away from it.

 Without thinking, I quickly get up and run to the rescue skis, and call out to Louis, "Shark spotted! There's someone in the water! Sound the shark alarm!" and i head out to rescue the person. As I'm riding, I soon hear the alarm and see the other people that were closer to shore getting out of the water.

I finally get out to where the surfer is and see a girl floating in the water holding on to a torn up surfboard with one arm, while her other arm is bleeding into the water. "Hey! Are you okay? Where's the shark?" I ask her as I get closer to her. I stop right in front of her and hear her say in a panicked voice, " I don't feel good. Everything's spinning, and I can't feel my arm! Um, I think the shark went away though". I breathe a sigh of relief that the shark seems to have left, then calmly tell the girl, "Okay, I'm going to help you onto the back of the ski and then we'll get you in. I need you to stay calm though. You'll be okay", trying to not startle her anymore than she already is and I get on the jet ski. 

We start riding back to shore, when I feel her pass out on me. I quickly grab onto her and hold her steady while I continue to drive us to shore. I get to shore and see Louis, Liam, Luke, and Ashton there waiting for me. I pick her up bridal style and calmly tell them, " She passed out from shock. Let's get her into headquarters and have Harry take a look at her." I place her in the back of the cruiser and Liam gets in the front to drive while I continue to hold onto her and make sure she doesn't fall out.

When we get to headquarters, I gently pick her up again being extremely careful of her bloody arm as well as any other injuries she may have sustained in the water. I take her inside and bring her to the hospital part of headquarters and set her down on one of the beds.

 We are one of the only beaches in the country that has a built in hospital in the headquarters. They decided that because we are one of the biggest beaches in the world, and we have so many people coming here per day, that it would be quicker and more helpful to us to have a built in hospital with medical staff on site. Soon after i lay her down, I see Harry, Zayn, Calum, and Michael run over to me. 

"What happened?", Harry asks, while him and Michael starts checking her vitals and injuries. " She got bit by a shark. I think she passed out of either blood loss, or from shock", I tell them. "Okay, Calum, put a IV in her and push antibiotics., we don't need her to get an infection. Also, see what blood type she is and start her up with a blood transfusion", Harry quickly orders, " Zayn, get the OR ready. You'll be scrubbing in and helping me close up her arm wound". Zayn nods his head in confirmation and quickly leaves to start doing as Harry told him. 

Soon Calum comes back in the room with the supplies needed to put an Iv in her and quickly inserts the IV in her arm. He then pricks her finger to determine what blood type she is and once he's done with that, he leaves to go find out the results. "Haz, is there anything I can do to help?", I ask him feeling a bit weird just standing here and doing nothing while the other guys run around getting things ready and helping the girl. Harry turns to me and says, " Yeah, Niall, can you find out any medical history of her, her name, if she has anyone here, anything information you can find of her? It would really help us in treating her.". I nod my head, happy to do something to help, then I tell him that I would try my best and I leave the room to find any information I can on the girl, while they try to get her set up and stable.

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