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Calum's POV

                I go out to the office part of the headquarters and call the hospital to first see if they have any AB+ blood on stock, as well as to see if they could send some over to us as soon as possible so that the girl doesn't bleed out. "Mercy Hospital, how can I help you?" i hear a nurse say over the phone. "Hi, my name is Calum Hood, and I'm the ER nurse over at Bondi Beach hospital. We have a girl here that was attacked by a shark and is bleeding heavily, but she has A- blood and we don't have any on hand. We really need that blood or else she could bleed out. Do you have any at the moment?" I quickly ask the nurse in a hurried tone, hoping that they have some.

 The nurse then puts me on hold to see if they have any and comes back a few minutes later. "We do have some on hand, but as it's really busy here today, the soonest that we could get it to you is tomorrow morning", she says and my mind starts going. "That'll be too late. Please still send it, and I'll see what I can do on this side too. Thank you", i tell the lady and then hang up. 

 I look at the clock and see that it's noon and know that we don't have a lot of time to get that girl blood or else she will bleed out. The only option that I can think of right now to save her is to find someone with the same blood type as her and ask them to donate.

 I start asking everyone in the building and radio in if anyone has A- or O- blood type. No one does, and I start to lose hope on saving this girl. All of a sudden, one of the lifeguards, Ashton, comes over the radio and hesitantly says, "Hey Calum. Um, I think I have A- blood. Um, why?" I tell him to go on a private channel and proceed to tell him the situation with the girl. "Ash, there was a girl that was attacked by a shark. She has A- blood type, and is bleeding out, but we have no stock of it here with us. The hospital is too busy right now, and won't be able to send us any till tomorrow at the earliest. I know this is asking a lot, but since you're the only one with the same blood type as her, would you be willing to donate? We wouldn't be asking unless it was an emergency. Without the blood, she will die", I explain to him and wait for his answer. "Yeah, I was one of the people there when Niall brought her out. Yeah, I'll donate", he says and I can feel a weight being lifted off my chest. Thank God Ashton says that because if not I don't know what I would have done. I can hear him ask Luke to watch the tower for him while he comes to the headquarters. Luke of course says yes and Ashton tells me he'll be here in 2 minutes.

                I wait for him to come in, and soon I hear a knock on the door and see Ashton come through it. " Thank you so much Ash!" I say with a smile on my face I can see a look of terror on his. "Um, yeah, no problem. Um, I will tell you though that I'm kind of afraid of needles, but I'll try to be good because I know she needs the blood more than I do at the moment and I'd want someone to do this, if the roles were reversed", he tells me a bit shyly. "Don't worry bud, I'll be as gentle as I can be and I'll tell you everything I'm about to do before I do it. If you need a break, let me know, and I'll stop what I'm doing, okay?", I tell him and give him an encouraging smile and pat him on the back, trying to put him at ease. "Let's go in the back, and get you set up, okay?" I ask and he slowly follows me to the back room. 

As we are walking to the back room, I can hear his breathing speed up. "Ash, you okay? What can I do to help?", I ask him as I look behind me and see his face pale and he has a scared expression on it. " I think it's just the anticipation of going back into the room and seeing all the medical supplies. Would it be okay if we do it in a place that's not related to medical things? Maybe where I could see the beach and look out to help calm my nerves?", he asks me in a hopeful tone. " That's fine. Let me go see if Liam's in his office. His office has a window to the beach, so I'll see if he'll let us do it in there.", I tell him calmly and then I leave to go to Liam's office.

                "knock, knock", I say when I get to Liam's office and I hear him say come in. "Hey Li, remember that girl that got bit by the shark? Well she needs a blood transfusion and Ashton has the same blood type, so he was going to donate his blood. The only problem with that is that he's really scared right now and asked if I could do the blood draw from another place other than the back medical offices so that he doesn't have to see the medical supplies and he can still see the ocean to help calm him down. Would it be okay if we do the blood draw in here, so that he can feel safe?", I quickly ask him. "yeah, of course you can. Do you want me to stay in here to help keep him calm?" he asks as he cleans up an area for us to do the blood test. " yeah that would be great, thanks. I'll go get him, then get the supplies. Can you just keep him calm while I do that?" i ask him and he nods and says, "Yep. Not a problem". "Thanks, Li" i say and I walk out of the office to go get Ashton from the other room. "Ash, Liam said that we could use his office for the transfusion. If you could just go to his office and take a seat, I'll be right back as soon as i get some supplies", I tell him and he walks on back.  

A minute later after I've grabbed the supplies, I head on back to Liam's office and when I go in I can see that Liam has moved the chairs around so that one if facing directly in front of the window so you can see the water clearly. See, this is why Liam is such a good boss. He may be a little strict, but he really cares about his employees and does what he can to help them.

 Ashton is already sitting in the chair facing out towards the water, with Liam crouched in front of Ashton and I see Ashton freaking out. "Ashton, look at me, look at my eyes", Liam says and Ashton looks in his eyes. "Good, now nothing bad is going to happen, okay. Just keep looking at me and looking out at the calming water. Think about the surf. Tell me everything you can about it. Is it a good day to surf?", I hear Liam talking and calming Ashton down and get the point to start the blood draw.

 I get everything ready and tell him, "I'm going to put the band around your arm. Hold Liam's hands and keep breathing and looking out at the surf." He grabs Liam's hand. I then tell him what I'm going to do and that he'll feel a pinch on 3. "1-2-3". I put the needle in and he flinches. Liam again calms him down and soon I get 2 pints of blood from him. That should be enough to hold her over until the morning. 

I bandage his arm up and tell him, "Just take it easy for the rest of the day. you might feel a bit tired or dizzy when standing, so drink some orange juice and get something to eat. Li, is it alright that Ashton is pulled off of his shift for the rest of the day just to be on the safe side?" I ask and Liam is quick to od his head yes. "Yeah, Ash you're to rest for the rest of the day. Go on back and lay down for a bit. You've been through a lot today, and if you need anything let one of us know", he tells Ashton as he gives him a hand and helps him up. I then thank them both and run off to give the blood for the transfusion to Harry. I give it to Harry and he hooks it up to the girl. They then starts to take her down to the OR for surgery. All of a sudden though, we see Niall running in yelling, "I know her name and I found out her medical history Haz!"

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