The blood

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Harry's POV

                I see Niall leave the room and continue trying to get this girl stable. By now, Michael has hooked her up to a heart monitor and an oxygen tank. You see, Michael is an ER doctor, Calum is an ER nurse, Zayn is a surgeon, and I am the Chief medical doctor/surgeon. Between the four of us, we make one of the best surgical teams in the country, which is why they asked us to work at Bondi Beach. Too many people have been getting hurt be it by jumping off of rocks, or getting stung by creatures, ect that they figured having on stand medical would be a useful tool and could possibly help save more lives this way.

 I'm just cleaning and trying to stop the bleeding in the girl's arm when Calum comes in and tells me that her blood type is A-. "Harry, we don't have any of that type of blood on hand at the moment. What should I do?", he asks me. Crap. I think quickly, trying to figure out a solution and come up with a long shot, but hopefully it will work. 

"Go see if anyone here has A- or O- blood type and if they do, ask them to donate. Also call the general hospital and have them send us some A- blood as quickly as possible by ambulance. Right now she's not stable enough to take her to another hospital. We first need to get her to stop bleeding. In the meantime, I'll give her something to help her blood clot better and in the meantime, hopefully she won't bleed out", I tell him and nods his head and he goes off to do what I say.

 I give her something to make her blood clot better, as well as I keep putting more bandages on her so that she won't bleed out. Michael keeps up a steady pressure on them to help stop the bleeding, but it's only slowing it down a bit, not really stopping it. 

Soon Zayn comes in the room in OR scrubs and tells me that the OR has been set up and he's ready when I am. I tell him that we don't have any of her blood type and have to wait for that, before we start surgery on her. In the meantime we all do what we can to stop the bleeding and keep her stable, while we hope and pray that Calum can find someone in here that has A- or O- blood type.   

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