Day 2: Expect the Unexpected (Ricky and EJ)

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Ricky's POV:

EJ and I were catching up and lounging on the chairs by the pool on the top deck. Everything seemed so realxing and casual, except for the fact that I had not talked to Nini since the events of last night. I really need to talk to her. SHe's probably overthinking or feels insecure because of what Gina said at dinner.

"So you've seriously worked at a Denny's like that 24 hour restaurant? The one where we used to have our cast parties at when Ashlyn's parents were home," EJ held his pina colada up to raise a glass for mine that was sitting on the table and obviously melting beside me.

"Huh? Oh yeah, people do have jobs. We don't all have rich families. Have you seen Nini since breakfast?" I stared out at the wave pool, which Nini and I should be cuddling in right now.

"I think Carlos mentioned something earlier about the girls having a spa day together," I looked over to see EJ take his shirt off and get up.

"Want to get in the pool?" He offered as he stood in front of me shirtless.

"Nah, I'm good. Go enjoy yourself," I mumbled as Gina ran up to us.

(A/N: Gina's outfit)

"Gina, what are you doing here? I mean shouldn't you be at the spa," EJ looked over staring at her chest and then her tear stained face that had mascara on her cheeks

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"Gina, what are you doing here? I mean shouldn't you be at the spa," EJ looked over staring at her chest and then her tear stained face that had mascara on her cheeks.

It was pretty obvious that he had a thing for her or maybe something was going on that I didn't know of. EJ didn't even seem to mention any current jobs to me, so it seems like he's looking for love.

"I need to find somewhere else to relax because I obviously was not invited into their conversation. Oh and Ricky, apparently I am a traitor to your wife," Gina pouted and wiped her eyes as she took the chair that EJ was sitting on before.

"You do realize what you did to Nini and I last night, do you?" I look over to her with a confused look on my face.

"I am so terribly sorry for what I did, but I don't regret doing it. I just missed you and thought you'd marry me and not Nini," Gina started to cry again as she put her head in her hands.

I didn't know what to say or do, so I started to rub her back gently as she continued to sniffle and tear up.



So, I guess this isn't a great time tell Gina that I have been non-stop thinking about her since I picked her up from her college. I don't know who I like more than a friend. I want to fall in love with Gina but I also think I like guys because I was staring at Kayden's abs last night. I don't even think anyone wants to go into our room its a mess. Sorry to cruise cleaning people.

"Need a refill?" One of the cruise ship staff members came over to me, obviously ignoring Gina.

"Hey didn't I see you a day or two ago? My name is Giovanni, your friend Kourtney's uh boyfriend," Giovanni refills my Pina Colada politely and hands a tissue to Gina who Ricky is still trying to calm down.

I really think that Ricky should go talk to Nini but he's here comforting Gina, which isn't right because of what she did and I should be comforting her.

"Yeah, sorry about my appearance. I'm not at my best mood today. Kourtney's at the spa with our friends, if you are looking for her. I think you mean ex-boyfriend," I watched as Gina blew her nose and I took the tissue to dispose of it at a near by trash can.

I'm just trying to be nice and show her that I care about her. I know its gross.

"I'll be back with more tissues. You must be so thankful that you have two friends to comfort you," The Giovanni guy said before going to a back door.

I groaned and took Ricky's place as I sat next to Gina rubbing her back while Ricky got out of his seat. That Giovanni guy was obviously staring at Gina's cover up gross. Didn't he say he was looking for Kourtney?

"I'm going to go find Nini and the others. Their spa day should end right before lunch," Ricky stood in front of us sternly.

"And Gina, I promise you that you will find a significant other who loves you as much as I love Nini. I am sorry it didn't work out between us. It's a Disney Cruise after all," I watched as Ricky walked away with his belongings.

Once Ricky was complete out of site I turned to Gina who was staring at the kiddie pool ignoring my presence.

"Gina, can I ask you something?" I gently tapped on her shoulder making sure not to frighten her.

"Wait, first can I ask you something? Why don't you hate me? I mean I did throw up on your nice shoes and you carried me to the room the other night. Natalie told me. Apparently, she can't keep secrets or at least my hangover secrets," Gina looked away embarrassed from her confession.

"I don't hate you, unlike the others because I care about you. I have always cared and thought about you, even when you moved into Ashlyn's place in high school. I had a small crush on you. I understand why you ordered those drinks and got drunk the other night but that was no reason to kiss Ricky in front of Nini," I also wanted to say something about carrying her after dinner but this didn't seem the right time to talk about dinner. So instead I distanced myself from her chair to hear her response.

"I know what I did at dinner was really bad. I just couldn't stand Nini and Ricky being all lovey dovey. I mean that should be me holding his hand and making him laugh," I watched a Gina frowned again. (Justin Bieber reference)

I took her hand and rubbed it gently and moved to sit on the same chair that she was sitting on.

"Like Ricky said, you will find someone who loves you," I wiped a tear from her face and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

I hope that it wasn't to early do that. I've been dying to kiss her on the cheek but haven't found the right time since the events of last night.

A/N: so it seems like there's Portwell bonding coming because Rini is married but Ricky is comforting Gina. hmmmm? Expect the unexpected.

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