Chapter 14

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After Arne and I had lunch yesterday and he was taken back to the prison I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day.

I guess being with Arne for the past few days made me realize just how much time I was actually spending with him.

So, for the rest of the day I spent time with David and my parents. I didn't see Debbie, but it's not like it mattered. I haven't seen much of her since the whole thing with Bruno.

Looking at my alarm clock I realized it was already past 9. Visiting hours for the prison are from 10 to 1. Seeing as that I couldn't see Arne for the rest of the day yesterday, I'll take all the time I can get with him today.

Getting out of bed, I did my daily check on David and then headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then took a shower.

After my shower, I got dressed and then blow dried my hair. Taking one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my keys and purse and headed downstairs.

Fixing myself some breakfast, I heard David come downstairs.

"Morning." I smiled, sliding him a glass of orange juice.

"Morning E. Where are you going?" He asked, taking a sip.

"To visit Arne." I said, putting eggs and bacon onto two plates and sliding one of them to David.

"Can I come?" He asked, taking a bite of a piece of bacon.

"Uh, not today buddy. But tomorrow for sure okay! I would take you today but I would want to tell Arne ahead of time, yeah?" I said, making him nod.

"That's fine. But you promise you'll take me tomorrow?" He asked, looking at me.

"Sure thing." I said, smiling.

We finished are breakfast, making small talk the whole time before I decided to head out.

"Okay David I'm going! Debbie should be here in the next hour until I get back, okay?" I called out to him, opening the front door.

"Okay!" I heard him yell. Probably too distracted by watching TV.

I got in my car and headed to the jail. Once I got there, I parked and headed inside.

The second I walked in, I was immediately ambushed by guards, checking to see if I had any weapons on me or in my purse.

Once they finally cleared me that I wasn't a threat, they gave me a visitors badge and led me towards the visiting rooms.

I took a seat at an empty table and waited for Arne to come out. A few minutes later he was being guided out by two guards.

I instantly smiled, standing up. When he came in front of me I engulfed him in a hug.

"It's good to see you Arne."I said, pulling away. But my smile instantly vanished when I saw how pale he looked and the dark eyes under his eyes making his green eyes look dull.

"Arne? Are you okay? You look pretty bad." I said, both of us sitting down.

"Y-yeah. Just tired that's all." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"Arne." I said, making him look up at me.

"You can tell me. Remember? I'm the last person you should lie to." I said, giving him a sincere look.

He looked at me for a second before letting out a sigh.

"I-it's getting worse Eden. Last night, she visited me again." He said.

"The woman you said you keep on seeing?" I asked, making him nod.

"Yeah. She didn't do anything but she just stood there and stared at me. But it was like she was speaking to me without using any words. It felt like she was in my mind, trying to speak to me." He said, a tear falling.

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