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" Trouble children , get ready for your laps " Daichi called you four out , early in the morning to receive your punishment

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" Trouble children , get ready for your laps " Daichi called you four out , early in the morning to receive your punishment . You all walked outside still being sleepy . You looked over at tsukishima who just turned his head away . 'Oh for last night to repeat' . You all started jogging without daichi following you . 

" I wanted to stay here forever " Hinata whined " Too bad today is the last day " . 

" Boke If you stay here forever , you won't be able to go in nationals " Kageyama said and hinata lowered his head a little . " Nationals , I AM SO EXCITED , KAGEYAMA LET'S RACE " . 

" No , we got in this trouble because we raced " You said bonking hinata's head . " What's up with you , you aren't talking much " Kageyama asked looking over tsuki who just turned away his face again . 

" What happened was that last nig-" Tsukishima covered your mouth using his big hand . " Nothing happened last night " He immediately said . You back kicked his leg and he let go . Kageyama and hinata looked at you while raising an eyebrow " OH OKAY " . 

You resumed your walk still keeping your small chat going though tsukishima didn't say much . After reaching back to the dorms , you started heading to the gym where you were gonna practice for the last time (maybe) . As you turned to the corner you saw daichi , silently standing against the wall . He looked like he was listening to something . 

" Daichi - san , what are you doing ? " You asked . He signaled you to keep quiet and you joined him with leaning on the wall trying to see what he was doing . Suddenly yours and daichi's eyes widened as you heard the coach say .................... 


" Karasuno lost again , didn't they " Kurro asked standing beside kenma . Kenma nodded slightly not looking up from his PSP . " You guys need to keep doing your best and survive " Daichi said to the team while keeping his hands on his hips (karasuno's modelling agency , auditions open)

" daichi - san ? " Tanaka gave daichi a questionable look . You signed " I just happened to hear this ...... and I was going to keep quiet about it " 

" W-what is it ? " Tanaka asked you , now getting concerned . " When all the practise match are going to be over , Apparently all the coaches are going to treat us to barbeque " You told them . 

" Baarrrr " 

" beee " 

" cueeee ? " 

" I don't think you should have told them " Ennoshita said coming towards you . You raised an eyebrow and asked " why ? " . He pointed towards the four boys who now started dancing and singing . " Oh meat meat meat meat " 

" put them together meat meat meat " 

" Meat is god , Meat is god " . 

You patted ennoshita's back who totally looked 150% done with this shit . " I think , it worked out in the end . They got more energetic now " . He signed while giving you a lazy smile . 

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