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You walked your boring long walk to the school but you were excited to meet bloodlust fairies after a long time

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You walked your boring long walk to the school but you were excited to meet bloodlust fairies after a long time . You opened the door and the usual smell of coffee hit your face . " (y/n) , you are back " Yami jumped on you taking you in her arms . You patted her back in return . " Yes , I am " . 

" Did you have fun " siya asked handing you a cup and then taking one herself . 

" Yea I did , and look now I am back in business " 

" That's good , We got something to discuss with you " Yami said as he handed you a paper . You read it carefully and then your eyes widened in shock ............. 


You didn't wanted to go to gym class and tell the other but yami insisted you to because you had to do it . You entered and coach ukai called you as soon as you stepped . You went over to him and he started handing you some papers and tapes . 

" (y/n) can you read and watch this stuff for me , We will need that in nations " He said . 'shit it's becoming more difficult to tell them' . You suddenly bowed the perfect 90 degrees which caught him by surprise . " I AM SO SORRY , I WON'T BE ABLE TO GO TO NATIONALS WITH YOU " You said getting the attention on the whole gym . 

" eh , why ? " Hinata asked coming towards you . 

" (y/n) what happened " Yachi asked . 

" you don't wanna be the manager anymore " suga asked keeping his hand on your shoulder . You shook you head . " That's not the case " . You handed coach ukai the paper and he read it so did all the others . 

" It's great that you are going to germany " He said , now looking up from paper and smiling . 

" (y/n) congratulations " Sugawara said and you smiled at him . 'I don't wanna leave them'

" But who was the one who uploaded the video " Hinata asked . " It was me " You heard a voice and turned to it . You found there no one but asahi who was nervously scratching her cheek . " I kinda liked it so I uploaded it " . Then he bowed in front of you and you took two steps back . " I am sorry , I didn't ask for your permission " . 

You grabbed him by the shoulder , forcing him to look up . " It's ok . I appreciate it " . 

" Are you really going to Germany ? " Tsukishima asked coming towards you who hasn't said anything since you spilled the news . You nodded your head slightly . He nodded back and silence fell through the whole gym until kageyama broke it . 

" Ok so when are you going ? " He asked and you looked over to him . " After new year , I will have a month to pack up my stuff " . He nodded and silence fell back again . It was awkward until coach ukai clapped his hands together . " It's sad that (y/n) won't be there but you still have to focus on nationals so start practicing " . 

Everyone nodded and went back to practice . " I would go back to classroom " You said but coach ukai stopped . " Tell it to him before it's too late " . 

You started to blush " W-who ? " . You obviously knew who he was talking about but you still asked it . He chuckled a bit " Tsukishima of course , If you are planning to confess after you come from Germany , he would probably have kids and a wife " He said and you started to blush more . 

" Won't you like to be that wife " He asked and you could feel your cheeks heating more and more . 'How do I reply to that' . You nodded and he started chuckling making you go more red . 

" Well then , work for it " He said patting you back . Nodding , you ran to your classroom . 'Ok , that was embarrassing' . 


" Wanna walk home together " Tsukishima asked coming towards you . " Yeah , just let me change and get my stuff " You told him . He nodded . You went into the girl's changing room and getting your stuff and changing back into your uniform you started walking home with him . 

" can't believe you are really going " Tsukishima said rubbing his hands together . You nodded " Me too " . 

'He is speaking more than usual'

The walk was comfortable as usual and you were back to teasing and joking with each other . " I don't think , I would now show effort in volleyball now that you aren't here " He said and you raised an eyebrow at him . 

" Why not ? Yachi and kiyoko will be there " 

" Nevermind " He signed (You dense dense) . 'you don't know how much you meant to me'

You reached the door of your house and waving to him you started walking away but he grabbed you hand pulling you back . You blushed as you looked up to his face and found that he was blushing . 

" (y/n) " He said , looking slightly away . 

" Y-yes " 

" Me and you ........... " He stopped from saying and then continued " are going to grab meat buns now " . (hehe) . You nodded your head and smiled at him though you expected him to say something else . 

" Me and you are going to grab meat buns now " You repeated and he smiled , not the cocky one . 

'I wish this moment will freeze right here' . You both thought . 


Look what I did , I am sure you will be angry . Hehe I am having too much fun . By the way , about the hospital thingy I was having a surgery because my lungs are damaged and I sneaked out . Hhehehe . You won't believe the looks on doctors faces when they found that out . Look who is back to using aesthetic gifs , not me . 

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✨Oikawa :I wished I looked cute while sleepin✨

✨Watakoshi : You do                                                    ✨

✨Oikawa : wtf , How do you know how I look   ✨

✨ like when I sleep                                                        ✨

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨  ✨

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