Greetings from the darkness

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Chapter 10

Pain lapping over me body like waves; I groan and bring my arm out of the water.

Flipping onto my back I feel the steady stream of blood ooze out of the open wound, slowly making a red puddle underneath me.

Pain wraps around my arm; with every beat of my heart another wave hits harder and stronger than the last.

A twig snaps and I barley turn my head to the side. Another twig snaps and I see the outline of a massive wolf. It's golden slash brown fur catching rays of sunlight as it watches me from behind a large oak tree.

Sighing I roll my head and look up at the sky when another twig snaps. Will they just kill me already.

It would take away the never ending pain.

Two wolves approach me as I lay on my back in a horrible pain that starts to slide up my body giving me a massive headache; the feeling of rocks being pelted at my head.

I turn my head back and find two wolves know starring at me through large blue eyes. Almost the same shade as Alexs but only slightly lighter.

Then the image of Alexs face pops into my mind; suddenly I can not stop my thoughts from wondering to him alright.

The biggest of the two approaches me with it nose down towards the earth, the quite sound of sniffing.

It's large paws pounding on the solid earth.

Then the wolves ears plaster down on the top of its head and approaches me slowly but steadily. The smallest wolf with bight almost sky blue eyes watches me with a hard gaze.

The wolf closest to me takes one big stride and sits down next to me slowly sniffing its way up the side of my body until it comes across the puncture wound.

The wolf pulls back it head quickly and stares down at the spot where the silver sits sizzling away.

Letting out a low whimper the other wolf dives into the a bush.

Laying there just watching the two wolves I can not seem to lift my body off of the ground.

Air was constantly becoming harder to breath in with every passing minute. Then all of a sudden a young girl with bright yellow colored hair hops out of the brushes; glancing down at me she makes an odd sound come out from the back of her throats.

It kind of sounded like a growl..

The large wolf with dark blue eyes leaps into the bushes and in a second another older women come out with the same blond hair as the other one.

Another wave of hot pain starts to shoot through my arm and I let out a low groan making the two of them jump slightly.

"Zula go fetch our things and bring the medical kit while your at it." The younger girl that is named Zula nods her head making her perfectly straight blond hair jump up and fall in soft yellow waves.

The women staring down at me approaches me slowly as I wither in pain. The silver slowly killing me.

The older women smiles down at me. "My names Lauren, by the way." Her eyes are filled with a tainted light as if shes seen more then a normal person should but still a smile that could brighten anyone's day spreads across her face.

Zula comes out from the bushes carrying a pretty large backpack. "Here momma." She says quietly; plopping onto the ground behind her mother she plays with the grass.

Her young face only looking no older then maybe fourteen or fifteen but still has the slight tainted look her mother holds. It fills me with sadness to see such a look coming from such a young individual.

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