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I just wanna start this by saying sorry I haven't been posting at all. Lmao I've been taking a little break but I'm back and hopefully I'll be able to come up with more content. Enjoy <3


You find yourself walking around thw familiar street where your friends live. You decided to stop by your good ol bf house just to catch up a little. Nothing has happened for you but you hope something intesting has happened with Val.

When you get to his house you walk around the side to enter. His parents seem to like you so they don't mind you just walking in.

Once you get in  you climb around the piles of whatever the fuck thwy have to be greeted by the one and only featuring ludicrous. (Idk if I spelled that right.)

Yiu say your hellos to Guy and Jay's mom before heading to Vals room. You texted him before hand giving him a little heads up that you're coming. So one he heard your foot steps he practically jumped down the stairs to greet you with a big warm hug.

"Y/N!", Val yells. Unfortunately for you that allerts his siblings. Jay runs down giving yiu a hug too. Honestly you didn't mind. Deep down yiu know Jay's a good kid, he's just a but troubled. Kurt walked up the stairs from the basement. Idk what he was doing, that doesn't really matter.

Kurt not one for hugs so he kinda just waves at you.

After yiu get out of that hug you and Val go up stares.
"So how's it been? Sorry I haven't been around recently." You say. The two of you sit on the bed and val starts to ramble on and how cool his week has been. Of course you listen, why wouldn't you.

"And then she just like WAMS OUR DICKS WITH THE SHOVEL!"
he laughs. you're a little worried for him, but you can't help but chuckle/giggle at the sight of your lover being happy. At this point that's all you could want.

"Jesus. Is your dick ok?"
"It's a little bruised still but it's not too bad."

Val looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. You lean in too and share a short and sweet kiss together.  You two spend the rest of the night sharing stories, eating junk, making matching bracelets,  and watching movies.

You always seem the happiest when you're around him. And he always seems happiest around you. Damn you are really lucky person.


Hey! Sorry this chapter sucks it was kinda me getting back into rhythm. Also thank you for the views and votes n shit. It's terrifying. Bye for now

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