Chapter 24

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The first beam of sun leaks through the window, snapping me awake. We're going to do this. We are. I don't care if anything gets in the way, we're getting away.

"Rose!" I shake her awake.

"Uhhhh," she grumbles, "What time is it?"

"Half past seven. November 19th, 1954. Time to get up."

"5 more minutes?"

"No, we have to go before Emily or Olivia arrives with breakfast."


She stands up, stretches, and helps me knock the loose tile away, creating a gap big enough for me to climb up. I reach for the ropes that Emily and Olivia used to tie us up, and carefully lean out for one of the trees. My feet are shaking and my breath haphazard, but I'm going to do this. I have to. I must, for Rose.

Being up at the tops of the trees makes it quite a bit harder to find a strong branch than at ground level, but after a minute of testing , climbing, and gingerly leaning on branches, I find one, tie the rope, and swing back to the roof.

"Rose," I lean down, arms outstretched, to help Rose up.

"Evelyn, there's someone coming. Hide."

"Not without you," I say, and start pulling her up as Emily strides in.

For the next thirty seconds, Emily and I each tug at Rose, both trying to pull her away from the other's grasp. I can't do this much longer, my arms are starting to give...

With a final, sharp tug, Emily wins and pulls Rose down. She slips the flint knife from her pocket, raises it high above her head and slams it down into Rose's arm. Once, twice, three times.

I drop into the tower and swipe the knife out of her hand, to the floor. Rose is lying still, Rose is... I think Rose is dead.

Emily. Emily will pay. She will pay for everything.

Without even thinking, I lunge at her. I'm going to get her. She blocks my attack, but I smash my fist at her head, knocking her aside slightly. Determined, she swipes back, I duck, catch her arm, and spin it behind her back.

The two of us wriggle and tumble towards the window. I'm mad, livid, furious, I won't let Rose die without revenge. A sudden spurt of energy gives me the power to shove Emily towards the window, send her out.

Glass shatters as she smashes into it, and to my surprise, she falls out. Screams. Lands. And I think she's dead.

I crouch next to my sister, caressing her hair, trying my hardest not to cry. She's dead all over again. She died before I could say goodbye. Again.

"Rose," I whisper, and finally the tears start trickling down my cheeks, "Rose, I love you."

"I love you too." She whispers.

"Rose? You- You're alive?" I choke out the words.

"I don't know..." Her voice is drifting and fading, making me even more frightened that I'll lose her.

"I killed Emily," I blurt out. I can't hold it in any longer, the pain of my conscience is killing me. How did Rose survive? If we get away, Rose will be charged with two counts of murder, Hirah and I with one. Mother would be terrified. I can't do this anymore, I simply can't.

Someday I might have to give in.

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