Chapter 22

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I sit up groggily to my sister shaking me awake.

"Evelyn!" she whispers in my ear, "Olivia's just left. She brought water!"

The last time I heard her sounding this excited was on our birthday in May this year and she had seen the chocolate cake we were having.

"Rose, when was the last time you drank something?"

"36 hours ago maybe?"

One of the first things I learnt in first aid classes was that you had to drink water to survive, and often. Rose hadn't drunk anything since yesterday morning, which is dangerous, stupid and risky.

Now that I think about it, Rose was showing a few symptoms of intense dehydration earlier. Slurred speech, weakness and inability to stay awake long. I should have noticed sooner, but what could I have done? There is no water in this room apart from the stuff Olivia brought in.

I look up to see Rose downing the cup, but she stops when she sees me watching her.

"Sorry," she mumbles, passing the water to me, "You have some."

I refuse and hand it back.

"You need it more than me, I'm fine, you're not. Drink it."

She reluctantly finishes what's left of the water before putting the cup down on the floor.

"Being a prisoner is a lot more boring than it sounds," I say, "Mother used to read us books about princesses locked away in towers being rescued by handsome princes when we were younger."

"That's not gonna happen, Hamika's dead and he wasn't that handsome anyway."

We both laugh a bit, sitting on the hard wooden floor.

"But there could also be another prince," she teases.

"Like who?"



"Hirah had this really cute crush on a boy called Charles, until he rejected her,"

"Wait, Charles Thomas?"


"I mean he is kinda handsome..."

"Ooooh! Have you got your eye on him then?"

"What? No!"

"Are you sure?"


"Not even for when we go back?"

"If we go back. Nothing will ever be normal, not after everything we've been through. I doubt Stowe will let us back in as students after what we've done."

Rose's posture slumps, as if she's giving up.

"You're right," she mutters.

I stand up and run my hands along the smooth stone walls of the room.

"Rose, you have to promise me that whatever happens in the dark will always come to light."


"No more secrets, okay?"


"Do you promise?"

"I suppose so..."

"Say the words. I promise."

"I promise."

I sigh deeply and stand up with Rose's knife in my hands and begin practicing how to fight with it, just in case we need to force our way out of here at some point. Unlikely, but I want to be ready just in case.

Rose spends the afternoon sleeping and writing in her diary, drawing roses on the cover and reading her previous entries. Eventually I give up on trying to throw the knife like Hirah did and settle down with my sister.

She shows me where all the clues she left for me originated from, all the sketches she drew of her rings and necklaces which she sacrificed to let me find her.

After a while, I begin to feel hungry and I know Rose probably does too. Being a prisoner is so boring, and slightly suspenseful as well, because neither of us know what will happen, if we get left here to die or if we escape.

In an attempt to take my mind off the pit of emptiness that used to be my stomach, I start to count the tiles that make up the ceiling.

One tile, two tiles, three...

Eventually they all merge into one, big white blur, and I realise that tears are pooling in my eyes. Quickly I wipe them dry, so that my sister doesn't think I'm crying. My vision focuses again and I notice something off about one of the tiles.

I'm not sure, but I think that one of them is loose. My heart skips a beat. We might be able to get out! To freedom... and food!

I reach up to try and push it aside, trying to make a push for freedom. But, as I'm not tall enough, I look around to find something to use as a prodder. I look towards the window and catch a glimpse of someone walking up to the tower. Emily!

Ugh. trying to escape now would be stupid, we would be caught in seconds. Thanks Emily. Perfect timing.

I hear the creak of a door opening and Emily's light footsteps on the stairs. Rose looks up from her diary and I think I see a glint of something in her eyes. Should I be worried? It's not like Rose ever takes huge risks, so maybe she's just... angry? I sigh. I don't know.

And I wish I did.

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