Chapter 26

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He is silent as we walk through the corridors. Only the tap of Italian leather shoes on marble makes its way into my head, a sound that I will always associate, from now on, with suspense and trouble.

Why did I return to school? What do I say to the headmaster?

I'm out of time to think about that now. The door to his office is in front of me. Tentatively, I take a deep breath and walk inside.

"Please, Miss Hyde, take a seat."

I sit in the chair opposite his desk, heart pounding. What will happen to me?

"So. I hear that you weren't present during school yesterday?"

"No, I wasn't." I'm going to go with what he says, see where it takes me.

"So where were you?"

But before I can answer with whatever flimsy excuse I have, he cuts in, "Let me guess. With Matron?"

"Yes, I was."

"Interesting. Why?"

Think, Evelyn! "I woke up and my head was hurting lots, but I was willing to shake it away when it got even worse and I could barely stand. That's why I decided to go to Matron."

"Can anyone back up this story?"

"Yes. Olivia and Hirah."

"Can Matron?"

"Yes." No.

"Alright then. How about we go and check the medical sign- in book."

And this is the part where I get expelled. I did not write my name in the book, because I didn't go to Matron.

A few suspenseful minutes later, I reach the book at the medical office. Could I scribble my name in, before the Headmaster notices? No, he's watching me like a bat.

I pretend to scan the list of names for mine, even though I know it won't be there.

Titus McCartney. Iris Sheaf. Evelyn Hyde. Kamalyn Hutcherson.

Wait a second... my eyes backtrack up the list. Evelyn Hyde? Who wrote that in? On further inspection, I realise it's in Milly's shaggy handwriting. The heroine!

"Here." I say, pointing to my name.

He leans down to inspect it, make sure I'm telling the truth, and realises that I am.

"Well... thank you for your time. You may go."

I turn and walk away, satchel thumping against my side like my heart in my chest. To be honest, I was never going to stay at school for long. Just long enough for Olivia to know that I'm alive and I've escaped, and for Hirah to know that I'm fine.

Instead of going back to my classroom, I walk towards the exit. Rose needs me right now, and I should go back to her. Before it's too late and she does something stupid or rash, like go into school or get spotted or commit another murder.

The doors are just ahead, wide open, welcoming. Ready for me to run out and back to Rose, to safety, a place where I can be free.

"Young lady! What are you doing?"

Oh no. A teacher has spotted me.

"I'm going to my dorm room, I left my architecture book behind."

"Which lesson are you supposed to be in?"

"Mr Potts, architecture. "

"And what is your name? Which form are you in?"

Think, Evelyn, fake name! My mind wanders back to the book in Matron's office. Who was above me?

"Iris Sheaf, form D9."

The teacher nods and lets me walk away, outside. To Rose. The second I am out of sight, I start running. Another minute at this school and I might die.

I trip on a branch near the bridge, landing sprawled in the mud. Shoot. If anyone sees me like this...

"Hey Evelyn."

The surprise of hearing Milly's voice sends me shuffling backward, onto the bridge.

"Hey Milly!"

"Hi! Have you seen Hamika?"

"No." A pang of guilt throbs in my mind.

"Oh. He hasn't been at home for a few days."

"Sorry. Also, thanks for writing my name in the medical book. It saved me from some serious trouble just now."

"No problem. I figured you would need the excuse."

A few awkward moments of silence, then:
"I found Rose yesterday."


"But then we got locked in a tower and I threw Emily out of a window. She's dead."


I laugh nervously. "I need to go and meet up with Rose again. Want to come?"


It feels like the first few days again, when the three of us would go looking for clues, way back when I was innocent of all crimes, Rose was presumed dead, Emily and Amelia were still alive.

About 15 minutes later, Milly and I reach the spot where I left Rose.

"She should be here," I say.

I walk into the undergrowth first, and call out Rose's name, expecting her to answer.
When she doesn't, I begin to get worried.

"Rose?" I call again.

"Evelyn! Help!"

"Rose! I'm coming!"

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