
5 3 1

6 months later

21st May 1955

Stowe murderer sentenced to death

Micheal Craig, age 14, has been found guilty of the murders of three. He was charged last November, and his court case has finished with his punishment being the worst: the death sentence. He will spend three years in maximum security prison before his death day. Citizens across the country have been waiting for this day for a while, since the sentencing of 40 years for Olivia Graham, back in March.

He was innocent. The entire time, he was innocent. And now he will die before he has any adulthood or time in this world.

"Evelyn! Look at the cake!" Rose is buzzing next to me, an air of happiness that I wish I had after hearing this news.

"Rose," I say, giving my sister the newspaper.

"Oh." She shoves the paper away, puts on a wide smile, and returns to the table in the middle of the common room.

Doesn't she care? Doesn't she care that he is going to die because of our actions? He is innocent, and is never going to grow up or enjoy life. Three years in prison, then he dies.

I try to wipe the guilt from my face and join the rest of the students who are celebrating our birthday. There's a vanilla cake, topped with rainbow sprinkles, purple marshmallows and purple gummy bears.

"Thank you Matthew," I say in a slightly flirtatious voice to the boy who made the cake.

"You're welcome, beautiful," he says, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

Rose gives me a disapproving look, but I don't care. We cut into the cake together, then I take the knife and dish it up into small segments for all the students.

Everyone takes a piece and somebody puts a record on the record player. While everyone begins chattering, I drag my sister away into a corner.

"Rose, you promised. When we were locked up in that tower, you promised me that whatever happened in the dark would come to light. You promised. You said the words."

She stares silently at the wall.


"Evelyn, we've just turned fourteen. It isn't time to die, not yet."

"For Michael it is."

"I'm sorry. But I can't."

"Why? He's innocent, you framed him for murder. For your murders."

"I know, I just... I can't. I just can't give up all the good things in my life for him."

"I would. In a heartbeat. He's going to die, Rose, and we have three years to stop it. Less than that. We have to change things. Even if it isn't a confession from us, if it's just having his case appealed."

"We can do that. Just give it a few weeks, then everything can happen that has to."

"He's going to die, Rose."

"And you would give your life up for him. You said."

"I would give up everything for the truth."

"Everything? Me? Mum and Dad? Your boyfriend? All our friends? Milly? Hirah? This happiness that we've found in all the hate?"

"Yes. Everything."

"Okay. One week, and then we can get the band back together, and collect evidence, appeal his case and get it sorted. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, but we all have to do something."


We eat our cake, dance, laugh, have fun in the bright lights of the common room as the last light fades in an orange sunset and the day turns into night.

The End

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