1. can i call you lynn?

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     I got called into a room by Agent Hill, I knocked on the door and wait for a second until I heard the door handle move and the door open, I saw Maria "Come in" She pointed to the table in the middle of the room, The room was dim, it was a random office. I just nodded and moved to the table. On any other day, she's just Maria. Nat's friend but here right now she was my superior.

I pull the chair out and start sitting down, Agent Hill closes the door and stays standing in front of me "What does S.H.I.E.L.D stand for, Agent Romanova?" Hill asks me with her arms crossed

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement And Logistics Division." I spoke, that was something every agent had remembered

"And what does that mean to you?" she says raising an eyebrow

I thought for a moment "It's means we're the line.. between the world and this much weirder world we now live in." I paused "We try to protect people from news they aren't ready to hear yet and when we just can't do that we keep them safe." I finished and Agent Hill nods at me, smiles and leaves the room

A man walks into the light from the shadows, I pull my gun and stand up "Hello, Agent." He pauses "Can I call you Lynn?" He smiles and stays standing in front of me with my gun still pointing at him

I bring my gun down and look at him for a moment "Hello sir, I'm sorry" I looked at him "You're Agent Coulson" I was confused, he died in the battle of New York, Clint and Nat had told me all about it. What is he doing in front of me?

"No, I'm sorry that corner was really dark, I couldn't help myself. You're Agent Romanva. Level six agent, Correct?" He asks me smiling

"Yes "I nod my head once I spoke

"Welcome to Level Seven " He told me "Let's go somewhere different, It's creepy in here" he starts walking to the door and I follow

We walked down the hallway into an elevator, It was silent. An awkward silence. "So Director Fury faked your death—" The elevator doors opened and we walked out "To motivate the avengers?" I ask the ghost in front of me

Coming from the side was a voice "Well, The death of a common ally is a particularly effective team builder." it was Agent Hill

We walked up to the door and a computer in a female voice says "say cheese." All three of our badges came up on the screen

"Plus, It wasn't that much of a stretch. I stopped breathing for about 40 seconds" Coulson says as he opens the door for Hill and I.

"Eight. It's gets longer every time you tell it." Hill tells him, I smile at the man

"Yeah, Well, You get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini, You can tell it your  way. I was looking at the big whole light, and it felt like a lot longer than eight seconds." Coulson says. We stop at a desk and pick up name tags for him and I

"Do they know?" I clip the name tag to my jacket  "The avengers?— That the Director played them?" I ask wanting to tell both Natasha and Clint whenever I saw them again which I didn't know when that would be

"They're not level seven" Maria says and we start walking again

"I got out of the I.C.U., Fury stuck me in a grass shack in Tahiti. Rough gig." He says and turns to me "Mai Tais, Travis McGee novels and a physical therapist whose command of english was...irrelevant." We all three walk into a different room again

"So something put you back into the game" I say and something pops up on the screen we're looking at, a man saving someone "What's this?" I ask

"That's a superhero, Agent Romanova." Coulson says from behind me

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