13. what would skye do

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     Quinn started talking into the mic. "Many of you shareholders have been with us for years, and I see a few new names here. But I wanna thank you all for traveling so far to this beautiful country. And, well, for slumming it at Shaba Tal-Banar." He takes a drink from his glass and people start laughing, I just stand there listening.

"This country, where we are allowed to pursue progress and profit without the stranglehold of regulations that are now choking our world. The Untied States Government, the E.U, the D.R.T.C., S.H.I.E.L.D. these are just a few of the institutions that are guilty of halting the development of new technology for anyone except themselves. We dare defy them with a new idea, they steal in and sweep it out from under us. But not today. You are all aware of what Quinn Worldwide has been able to do with basic minerals, let alone uranium or plutonium, despite these unjust restrictions that weight the scales in the other guys' favor." Quinn keeps talking as I walk off slowly, I was starting to get bored. I hated long speeches especially about things I didn't care about.

I sneak into the house and it was beautiful, I try opening a door but it was locked, "It's locked." I say quietly to May over the ear piece

"Eh, check for a keypad" Fitz said

"I already checked, there's nothing." I say turning my back to the door to see if anyone was coming, I was quite embarrassed he didn't think I would see something like that

"Hold on" I say quiet, I had a reception desk and knew there had to be a button to open the door

"What are you trying to do?" I heard a voice behind me and it was Quinn

"I was just looking for a pen" I say and pick up the pen on the table slowly "I have to write down these idea that just came up, you know?" I say and chuckle a little bit

"What are you really doing?" He says seriously, I had to think like rising tide, I had to think like Skye

"I'm busted. I was trying to get a glimpse behind your office door, see how things really operate." I say calmly to him

"I invite you here as a guest, and you treat me like another corrupt institution, looking for trade secrets to leak online." He moves closes as me talk and I get uncomfortable, that wasn't normal for me

"Security" He says pulling out his phone

"Wait wait wait" I grab his hand fast and he was caught off guard

"It's just with all these people, you have to be so guarded. So careful. What you say, what secrets you reveal." I'm talking out of my ass and start thinking what would Skye do, I find a piece of paper and start writing on it "And I was hoping that you and I could be honest with one another. If you know what I mean."

I wrote 'shield is listening' big on the paper, I didn't like what I did but I was nervous?... I was nervous. It made me want to laugh, I was thinking what would Skye do, the hacker from the street not what would Lynn do, the shield agent. I start nodding at him and he takes my arm, walking me to the room.

"My office had way less space, way more wheels." I say as he walks me in and let's go of my arm, I walk to the back of the room

"Wow. A view of the ocean and pool."  I say not impressed at all, I wanted to get out

"Not a bad place to do business." He says walking over to me

"I bet" I let out a giggle which made me want to gag

We walk over to the couch and he puts a glass of champagne down on the table, I debate keeping the ear piece in or not but I keep it on.

"Do you wanna tell me what the hell's going on?" He asks me "S.H.I.L.D. got to you?" He picks up the glass and takes a drink

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