3. nobody's nobody

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After a while Skye was done asking questions and Ward fell asleep. Coulson and I stayed there for the whole thing. Just in case something were to happen to Ward.

Skye came out to the comms room with us

"Did Agent Ward give you anything?" I ask her already knowing what was said

"He told me he's been to Paris, but he's never really seen it and that he wishes you had stayed in Tahiti" Skye points to Coulson, she was kind of confused

"It's a magical place." Coulson says

"Ward doesn't like your style. Kind of think I do." She looked over to me and smiled

"What about his?" Coulson pulls us the news about our mystery man in the hood

"This is wrong, this is not...the guy I met. he was..." Skye paused "He just needs a break."

"Then give him one Skye, What have you got on him?" I ask and she pulls out a drivers license from her jean pockets

Michael Peterson..

Coulson pulls out the drivers license again and places it on a scanner, everyone but Ward is in the room to hear about what we got "Michael Petercon— factory worker, married, one kid. Gets injured, gets laid off. Wife jumps ship. Good guy, Bad breaks." Coulson folds his arms "Best guess is, somebody tells him they can make him strong again, make him super." Coulson finishes

"Who has the tech to do that? And why would they want to?" Agent May asks

"Fitz what do we have from the security footage before the blast?" Coulson asks

A picture for two men pop up on the screen

"What are we seeing?" I ask

"Well, the man is angry at the other man." Fitz points at the screen and we just nod, I want to laugh. Fitz and Simmons are weird but it makes the job feel better in a way

"The data is very corrupt." Simmons says

"Yeah. Yeah, like cold war russia corrupt. I-I can't sync the time code without—" Fitz told the group. I froze up a bit when he mentioned Russia.

"What if you had the audio?" I cut Fitz off and he just stares at me like I had two heads, it was silent for a moment

"I was... running surveillance on the lab. I had my shot gun mic pointed at the window before the blast. The digital file's in my van. there's too much background noise for me. But you could probably—" Skye points to Fitz

"You can clean that up, can't you?" Simmons cuts Skye off and points to Fitz "Find a sync point and use cross-field validation to find—"

"But I can't scrub for expression pattens when the vit-c is all—" Fitz starts

"Well, is there a chrominance subcarriers?" Simmons ask and we all just look at them, honestly it's making my head hurt

"Yeah, attached to the back porch. brilliant." Fitz finishes and the two of them finally looked back at us

"Um that audio would be great. thank you very, very much." Fitz said

"We will take that audio, please." Simmoms said at the same time as him, smiling. Skye and I both look at each other

"Your van's here, but you were right — we couldn't decrypt the files. " Coulson tells Skye from across the table

"The encryption's coupled to the gps" Skye said "Get my van back to that alley, and then I'm in the business." She told Coulson leaving the room

"Agent Romanova will escort you. and on your way out wake up Ward." Coulson said and I let Skye take the lead

"Hey!" I yell kicking the leg of his chair and he jumped up, he got up without saying a word but never looked away from me

Skye and I worked together in silence, getting her van out of the bus than driving it back to the alley where we picked her up from. We get out of the front together to move to the back. Skye was inside her van with the door open, I was right outside keeping watch of everything, It was dark outside.

"Audio file should be coming through. It's not compressed, so it might take a minute." Skye told Fitz over the phone

She sat the phone down making a weird face at the man, I didn't dare question what he had said. He seemed awkward. I notice Skye put something in her shirt but I chose not to say anything again, I got a feeling that it was nothing so I let it be.

"That should do it " Skye said and closing her computer, I nod

"Alright, Let's head back." I say as I start moving back

"Let me just—" Skye was cut off by a man that jumped down on top of me. I tried grabbing my gun but he hit it away. I went to punch the man but he blocked it, twice. I try kicking but he picks me up from the ground and throws me into the wall behind us. I try reaching for my gun again when I hear Skye say something but I couldn't make it out and my vision went black.

I woke up in the same spot, Skyes van wasn't there. I reach in my pocket trying to find my phone but there was no luck, I got on my knees and look around, it was further away by a trash can. I start crawling since it hurt to move and I call Coulson. I was upset and embarrassed that I let that man get Skye, I would've had an easier time getting him if...

"Come on, come on Coulson" I said to myself waiting for him to answer the call

"Roman" he said over the phone

"He took Skye" I finally got up trying to walk, my lip was bloody. I put my tongue to it to try and stop the bleeding

"You all right?" Coulson asked, He really sounds worried for me

"Pissed off but we'll deal with that later" I finally get up start walking away from the alley "Right now we need to figure out where they went." I say the obvious

It took a little bit but Ward and Coulson pick me up from the side of street, Ward was driving and seems angry. I couldn't blame him, I was too.

"Are you alright?" Ward ask me, I was taken back especially from what happened before Skye and I left the bus

"I'm fine" I told him, Coulson turns and looks at me, I just nod. I could read people very well but not Ward and that bugs me.

It was a somewhat long ride but we pull up to a train station, we finally arrive. Coulson picks up the megaphone and we get out of the car in sync

"Look at this place. You're gonna risk thousands of lives over some nobody?" Ward asks Coulson as the three of us walk to Skye's van 

"Nobody's nobody, Ward. Fitz-Simmons will come through." Coulson says to him as we walk in a line

We stop in front of the van, there was two police officer already there. Coulson brings the megaphone to his mouth "Mr. Peterson, good morning. We're not a threat, we're here to help. But you're in danger and we need to take you in" Coulson finishes

"What did you do?" the man yells at what I assume is Skye

The two officers have their hands on their guns behind them is Ward and I doing the same thing, Coulson was off to the side and there was chatter on the radio. We all wait.

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