(10) 🙄Can't i be happy for once?!😤

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Betty's POV:

B- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK are you two doing here?!!*crosses arms*
A- watch your mouth Elizabeth
B- *bites her lips to prevent her from something extra mean* the names Betty Alice
A- the name is mom for you
B- *mumbles* when you learn to act like one, I'll call you mom
A- whattt?
B- I'll never call a lowlife and low class person like you, mom. When you learn to be a good mother, I'll call you, mom
N- *raises his voice* HEYYY, watch how you talk to your mother
J- *raises his voice* HEYYY, watch how you talk to my girlfriend
B- I got this babe. *turns to Nick* when you learn to keep your dick and hands to yourself come and talk to me bitch *nick raises his hand to slap Betty, but jughead hits it out of the way*
J- *growls with gritted teeth's * watch it Nick
A- Betty stop making false accusations about my fiancé, it's not healthy
J- but ma'am he does, I caught him like five months back on top of Betty as Betty was moving around to keep him out of her
A- and who are you exactly?
J- I'm-
B- he's my fiancé
A- I'm sure he can talk for himself Betty
B- oh ofc he can, but does it look like I care, you got your answer, you can leave now... toodles *waves at them and rolls her eyes*
A- *turns to Nick* it's the hormones
B- oh trust me it isn't, I just despise you two mother fuckers *starts to fume with anger*
J- baby calm down
B- oh, I'm calm
J- *chuckles* your not *whispers in her ear* when we go inside we can take a warm bubble bath together, eat ice cream as we binge watch shows and cuddle and do more dirty things; release the stress, well that's if your up for it
B- *giggles as she turns to him and give him a kiss* definitely babe
A- ok, uhm so, we came her to invite you to our wedding, it's in two weeks
B- *laughs* I could literally slap you both right now. I just said I despise you guys and you still asked if I come to your wedding. Let me rephrase it "I want nothing to do with you low life bastards"
A- I was planning on surprising you there, but since your not coming I'll tell you now, your having a baby sisters in 6 months
B- ooh yaayyy I'm having a daughter in six months
A- whattt?!
B- oh I'm gonna take custody of that poor little girl as soon as she's born, I didn't have a healthy childhood and I'm gonna see too it that she has one, and doesn't suffer from that thing over there, you call a fiancé
A- you can't do that, you don't even have proof of what your accusing him of
B- oh I have security cameras outside my house and inside
N- no you don't, I checked that before I came to fuck you, I'm not stupid
B- apparently you are, they are hidden for a reason and very much just heard you confess, oh and Alice there's your evidence
A- whattt?! I didn't hear anything
B- Yh your really just a lowlife stupid bitch, take your dog and don't come back on my property or around me for that matter
N- *growls* WATCH IT
B- or what, you gonna tie me to a bed and fuck me without my consent; which by the way is rape, or send me to a strip club to pleasure men and women and take my money; which I actually took out your or should I say my safe.
N- you know what maybe I would take you up on those after, some nice pussy and money never hurts anybody
B- your unbelievable *slaps him*
N- *slaps her back*
J- you just came on my fiancé's property and slap her?! *fumes*
A- she hit him first
J- shut the fuck up Alice
A- Betty you'll let him talk to your mother like that
B- you may be my birth mother, but you don't act like it, and quite frankly he's grown and can talk to you how he wants, besides I don't care, I. HATE. YOU. A-L-I-C-E!
J- back to what I was saying "you just came on my fiancé's property and slap her?! *fumes*"
N- Yh I did, what you gonna do about it?
J- oh lots of things you know, first I'll start with this *uppercut him and punch his right cheek bone, knocking him out*
A- Jughead stop *screams as she drops to the floor crying*
J- babe can you go in the house for tha machete and a long strong string, oh and a small stool
B- ok, I'll be right back

Betty went into the house getting what I asked for bringing them out to me. I hanged him on a three branch outside letting his feet rest on the stool, I then pull down his pants and boxers getting the machete ready, well that was until he woke up screaming.

N- what the fuck are you doing *starts kicking around*
J- wouldn't do that if I were you, your foot might slip and you may hang yourself
J- oh just cutting off your little 5" friend here, we don't need anymore girls being hurt because of you now, do we?! *raises one eyebrow*
N- please don't
B- Yh Jughead don't do it, he's not worth going jail for, or worth it period
J- fine, but only under one condition *turns to Nick* N- what I'll do anything
J- stay the fuck away from Betty or any other girl other than Alice, or I swear to god if I catch you, I would literally slice your dick off, put you back in this same position; but your hands gonna be tied and they be no stool and then I'll feed you your dick
N- ok i promise I won't do those stuff anymore
J- mhm ok, now get off this property and don't come back, and for you Alice, stay the hell away from Betty unless she calls you, which I doubt would happen because if you can't tell, she HATES YOU! Now hurry get off this property idiots

They both ran off the property rather quickly, only for Toni to arrived right as they leave

T- what the fuck just happened *breathing heavily*
B- did you run here?!
T- y-yes, yes I did
B- what?!!! Where's your car
T- it's in the shop
B- then you should've told me, I wouldn't have let you come here
T- I don't care if I have to run or walk ten hours, my bestie needed me and I had to be there. No what happened? What was they doing here?
B- awww, that's why I love you, but anyway it's a long ass story, come inside and watch it on the camera
T- ok, let's go

We went inside playing the video for Toni to see, the whole time her mouth was ajar.

B- close it or you might just catch a fly
T- that was crazy
B- indeed it was
T- I didn't know Jughead was that badass
B- neither did I
J- well I protect the ones I love
B- awww, I love you too babe *kissie kissie*
T- *mocks Betty* awww, I love you too babe *kissie face*
B- stawp *giggles*
T- never!!
B- goodnight guys I'm going to bed
J- bye Toni, goodnighttt!
T- bye guys

Toni left and as said we took our warm bubble bath; we was a little touchy, we got into some comfy clothes, got our icecream and binge watched nextflix, well no really as per usual, we ended up doing unholy stuff.

A/N I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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