(18) 👧🏼Here comes gabriel? pt 2👩‍🍼

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H- he said yes
B- so what do I do
H- *giggles* we'll talk about that in six weeks, when you can get sexually active again
B- oops I didn't- wait your telling me I can't have sex for six weeks. SIX weeks you say!!!
H- that's exactly what I'm saying, your stitches need to heel, or your vagina can rip again
B- I have stitches in my vagina
H- yes. You just delivered a baby *chuckles*
B- babe, I can't have your big-
J- *eyes widen and he covers her mouth* babe stop!
B- but-
H- Yh, imma leave you freaks to talk, hit the button if you need me
B- you can go play with Gillian if you want, she can't here these types of conversations
H- oh gosh, come you poor innocent little child, they are gonna scar you for life
B/J- laughs
B- ok, now that Hope's gone, I can't have your big fat cock in my pretty pink pussy for six weeks. Imma die
J- your not gonna die, you were doing just fine without me
B- Yh, well now I'm addicted to your big fat cock
J- oh gosh, your so unholy
B- says you. Can you not do anything to turn me on, because on everything I love, these stitches are gonna get ripped and it's gonna be R.I.P those stitches; ayyyy, it's going in tonight
J- oh gosh *laughs* I won't do anything to turn you on
B- babeee, just watching you makes me horny
J- I'll leave?!
B- no stay, I think I'll manage. Can you pass my phone real quick
J- of course

I looked up how to get pleased when you just give birth and can't have sex.

B- babe, we still have outer course. We can do oral sex , like masturbation and stimulation of the clitoris.
J- you really went to look that up?! *laughs*
B- yes, a girl has needs
J- *laughs* you know I love you right
B- mhmm *kisses him and pull him to the other side of the bed* I'm going to sleep and be cuddled, but I want a quick make out session first
J- ok

We started making out on the bed accidentally hitting the call button, Hope entering the room and covering Gillian's eyes before walking back out, we quickly pulled away chuckling and hitting the call button again for them to come back.

B- first time was a mistake, we were just having a quick make out session before I go to sleep
H- Yh, I could see that
B- sorry about that, you can hold her or give her to Jughead, I'm gonna take a nap
H- ok. *looks at Jughead* Can I hold her for a little longer please?
J- Yh, go ahead *chuckles*

We just sat in a comfortable silence; Betty already peacefully sleeping. I stayed there stroking her hair and admiring her until Hope snapped me out of it.

H- you don't have too
J- huh?
H- let Betty be my baby's surrogate
J- I honestly don't mind, as I told Betty I trust her and it's her choice, if she wants to help you out, so be it. I do have a question tho.
H- that's really sweet and rare, thank you
J- no problem
H- *smiles* what's the question?
J- how does that work?
H- surrogacy?
J-  mhmmhmm
H- pregnancy is achieved through in vitro fertilization (IFV). A traditional traditional surrogate both donates her own egg and carries a pregnancy for an individual or couple. The pregnancy is usually achieved through intrauterine insemination (IUI) with sperm from the intended father.
J- oh. So the baby can't look like you? *sad smile*
H- no *sad smile* it can look like Landon or Betty or maybe a mixture of both. If it do look like her tho, it'll be a reminder of the beautiful kind soul that helped me get my little family *smiles*
J- she is beautiful, isn't she *wide smile*
H- *giggles* yes, she's beautiful, and a keeper; don't let her go. Ever.
J- *smiles* I won't
B- won't do what? *streches and smiles*
J- *chuckles* I won't ever leave you
B- *smiles* you better don't *peck his lips* can I hold her?
H- mhmm?
B- Gillian, can I hold her *chuckles*
H- oh Yh, of course *laughs and hands her to Betty*
B- how long was I out?
J- three hours
B- oh wow *laughs and then begins to breastfeed her*
H- she is like the quietest baby ever!
B- why do you say that
H- she is hungry and didn't even cry. Most babies would scream the life out your eardrums. How did you even know?
B- we both have a big appetite, so it's natural for the baby to have it and I was a quiet baby also *chuckles*
H- *laughs* that's interesting, nobody would think you were quiet
B- np *chuckles* when can we leave?
H- tomorrow. We have to observe you for the day
B- mhm k. Babe call t for me please
J- of course *calls her*

~ on the phone ~ *it's on speaker*

B- T
T- babe stop right quick...  yes B *pants*
B- stop fucking and get to the hospital now!
T- w-why? *holds back a moan*
B- Cheryl leave my besties parts alone and get to the hospital
C- *groans* you're cock blocking cousin
B- first of all you don't have a cock and my baby's here
C- I do have a dil-
T- get out of me Cheryl, I have a nephew to go see
B- OH MY GODDD! Just hurry up and get to the hospital, I also have a suprise waiting here.
C- we're gonna have to bring Veronica, we were going to the mall, she just went to pops for food
T- Yh ok, now get out of me
B- just bring her and bring our regular from pops. Now Bye and HURRY UP!!!

~ off the phone ~

H- are all of you like this?
B- like what?
H- horny, freaky,-
B- *nods* precisely. Are you not?
H- no
B- oh, well good for you, you innocent child *pats her back*
H- not innocent, just not as wild as you guys are
B- well then you should try it sometime *winks*
H- maybe Betty, maybe *pats her back*
B- when you try it tonight and it's better, just know I told you so *smirks*
H- of cou- wait I'm not doing anything tonight
B- sure you aren't, sure *pats her shoulder*
H- Heyyy, I'm n-
C- heyyy bishes, we're here. Oh hey nurse, how you doing?
H- *smirks* I'm fine and my name is Hope
C- oh, hey hope *smiles awkwardly*
B- so who wants to hold their niece?
C/T- niece?
B- yes Tabi took the umbilical cord for the penis
T- Jughead I need my $50 dollars
C- and imma need mines too
H- damn Jughead, $200 dollars
J-hmmm *groans*
B- your Veronica right
V- that's me
B- you can stop standing by the door, I don't bite; well unless I need to *smiles*
V- *laughs* I didn't just want to barge in the room, and have you watch me as some crazy woman
B- *laughs* who's the cutie?
V- *smiles* this is my daughter Chloe
B- can I hold her?
V- sure! Can I hold...
B- her name is Gillian and sure you can *smiles*

We swap babies for a while, and talked while the others went back to pops for the food they forgot on the counter, while rushing. She was actually pretty cool and nice, I could see us becoming great friends. When I'm released we're actually going out to get to know eachother more, because the others are back and it'll be rude to talk to her and not to them

A/N I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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