(14) 😩Finding out😌

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Betty POV:

(Btw Ariana and Olivia went someplace to get ready for the concert)

B- drum roll please
C- *does drum roll*
T- get to the freaking point idiots
B- Cheryl next drum roll plz, we were rudely interrupted
C- exactly *starts drum roll, but gets interrupted*
T- babe, I would literally choke you
C- ooh I like this side of you tt
T- Cheryl I'm not playing
C- and I was?!🤨
T- omg, you and B are just alike *let's out frustrated sigh*

Me and Cheryl just watched each other, as we smirked and make weird noises

B- aeh *shrugs*
C-eah *shrughs*
C- go ahead *weird voice*
B- go ahead *weird voice*
(It's from the video from Lili and Cole in an interview where they we're watching eachother and doing that)

C- so-
T- finally, god damn (rolls her eyes)
B- Toni shut the fuck up and let us speak, why can't you be quiet like Jughead over there
T- you guys are taking hella long
B- and the more you talk and distract us, the more longer we'll take you ass. Cheryl continue please
C- so, Betty and I wanted to tell you that; drum roll please
B- *does drum roll*
T- oh god no
C- babe, I'm telling you this in the nicest way possible, Shut The Fuck Up
T- uhhh, fine
C- drum roll please Betty
B- *does drum roll again*
B/C- We're cousins *says in a singing kinda voice*
T- say whattt? *she says as her jaw is practically touching the ground*
J- I mean I didn't know, but it still isn't surprising
C- what do you mean hobo
J- well you guys act just alike, saucy, lowkey mean, challenging and only cares about who they love
B/C- I'm not saucy or mean *dramatically gasps, holds their chest and rolls there eyes*
J- see what I mean!
B- see what I mean! *mocks him*
C- oooh, you got her mad, no sex for you hobo
B- Yh, no sex for you meanie!!! *pouts and crosses her arms*
J- but bab-
B- I'm not your baby and I don't love you anymore
J- you know you love me babe
B- do not
J- do too
B- do-

He cuts me off with a kiss, and for a second I forget I'm supposed to be mad at him, well that is until Cheryl snapped me out of my trance.

C- cousin, your giving in
T- oh god, I'm never gonna get used to this, am I?
B- *quickly pulls away* I guess not; and Heyyy, I'm still mad at you HoBo!
C- atta girl!
T- so are you guys actually cousins or is this another prank?
B/C- we're actually cousins T
T- so like, how did you guys find out?
C- well the cousin I went by; Harper, she basically was on FaceTime with Betty when I got there, and then she basically introduced her, but we already knew eachother
T- so like are you sure your like cousins cousins
B/C- what do you mean?
T- well you guys could both be Harper's cousin, but one from mother's side and the next from father's side
B/C- do we look stupid to you Toni?!
T- well no, but-
J- they're cousins alright
T- and how do you know that?!
J- they obviously acts the same
T- coincidence? *shrugs*
B- omg, your the stupid one here right about now T
T- eh, just wanna make sure
B- let me break it down for you, We. Are. Cousins
T- Explain. It. To. Me. Properly
C- ok babe, we're cousins ok, my dad, her dad and Harper's dad are brother's. Got it now?!
T- no?
B- Toni, oh my god, I would literally slap you
T- no you wouldn't
B- *gets up and walks closer to slap her*
T- I'm just joking Betty *nervously chuckles*
B- I'm still slapping you, I'm already up *slaps her*
T- ouch *holds her face*

I turned around, sat back down and blew her a kiss and a wink, as she crosses her arms and pout

B- come on, stop being a baby, I barely touched you
T- you still did *pouts again and crosses her arm tighter*
B- keep acting like that and imma give you an actual slap
T- Yh no I'm good *chuckles*

We kept talking, enjoying our day, well that was until Ariana and Olivia stomped into the room, plopping down the bag and dropping in the chair.

B- what's wrong?
A/O- we have to cancel the show
T- say what now?
B- what, why?
A- we have to cancel the show because Katy went on a sudden family emergency to riverdale
O- Yhp, apparently she went there to be there for her cousin Veronica because her dad's in the hospital
C- wait, Veronica Lodge
A- Yh, that was the name, do you know her?
C- Yh, were enemies who care about eachother, Ig. We actually dated for a few months, but decided to stay as enemies who care about eachother, didn't want to ruin our already weird ass friendship. Kinda glad we did tho, now she has this cute little girl; her name is Chloe, she and Gabriel can be best friends or maybe even lov-
B- np, get it out of your head
J- Yhp, my son's not dating until he's 16
O- ok enough about baby ranting, although I do love them, we're literally doomed. Cheryl your weird ass friendship friend kinda stole our stylish, so we have to cancel
T- no you don't, B can do it, right B?
B- huh? What?
T- what you thinking about?
B- still processing Cheryl's weird ass friendship, what were you saying now?
T- I was telling Ariana and Olivia you can style them, so can you?
B- oh Yh, Ofc. We kinda need to go to the store tho, I did not come equipped for this, wait, I actually didn't even pack *laughs* let's go guys
A- we can go to Katy's, she left us with the key to her studio, can you sew?
B- Yh, why?
O- oh, our outfits need to adjust
B- ok let's go, it's already getting late
A- Yhp, let's hit the road guys, wait hold on let's call Jeremy, and then hit the road please
O- Yhp, what she said

We went outside and waited, surprisingly it only took him about ten minutes, I'm guessing he lives or was nearby. We drove to the studio and I immediately began getting the stuff and Ariana and Olivia getting ready.

A/N I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more  motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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