(8) 🤰🏼5 months later👶🏼

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Betty POV:

Life's been great, except for the fact that Jughead's very overprotective, don't get me wrong it's very nice of him but it gets annoying and overbearing at times. I'm now 18 weeks pregnant and my bump is huge, today Jug and I are going to find out the gender, and I'm so excited.


Jughead and I finally reached the Obgyn Center, it was 10:20 and our appointment was 10:30, it better to be early than late isn't it ? Me and Jughead stayed and talked and as the time got here I got more nervous.

J- Babe calm down
B- I can't, I'm nervous
J- you've only done this like 100 times *chuckles*
B- *pouts* not funny, aren't you nervous?
J- oh Yh I am, but I'm nervously cool
B- your supposed to be nervous with me
J- nawl, I'm supposed to make you less nervous

She pouts and Jughead chuckled kissing her lips, and if on cue doctor Tate came, the couple and her were really close from the day they met, and Betty only goes to her with anything pertaining the baby.

T- you excited for today Betty, you get to know the gender
B- im so nervous Tabi
T- *chuckles* Yh, that's normal
J- Tabs, quick question
T- hit me with it Jones
J- ok, so what do you think Betty's having?
T- uhhh, I think it's a girl, but we'll find out today
J- Yh I think it's a girl too, Betty thinks it a boy
B- *huffs and crosses her arms* mother's intuition
T- ok, we're here, ready to find out the gender?
B- you think I don't know your dodging my comments
T- oh, I know I am, but I ain't getting on a pregnant ladies bad side, I've been doing this long enough *laughs*
J- *chuckles* please don't, she'll be moody for the rest- *she glares at me* yh, imma just shut up, let's go Tabs
B- *blows him a kiss* love you babe
T- *laughs* ok misses cute belly, you know the routine

I got on the bed, laying down and pulling up my shirt, Tabi came over with the wand and the gel, but I quickly stopped her

B- can Jug lay with me
T- *quietly chuckles* I'm not supposed to do that Betty
B- what they doesn't know won't hurt them *🥺*
T- fine... god, I hate you and your puppy eyes *chuckles*
B- thx Tabi, and I love you too
T- Yh Yh

Jug came beside me and Tabi came and put the cold gel over my stomach and got out the ultrasound transducer (the wand correct name😭) she started to move it around and suddenly stopped

B- is everything ok *I started to panic*
T- Yhp everything is perfect actually
B- oh ok, phewww *let's out a relieved sigh*
T- looks like Betty was right Jughead, it's a boy
B- Ha!!! I was right, take that fuckers
J- *chuckles* Betty low down your voice, I'm quite sure the whole center can hear you
B- and I. Don't. Care, now where's my 100 bucks
J- here you go babe *hands her the money* now can you please lower your voice
T- okkk *she says awkwardly*
B/J- what?!
T- so you guys made a bet for whoever is right to get 100 dollars
B- yup, that we did!
J- we're both very headstrong and competitive, what can I say?!
T- Yh, that you guys are *laughs to herself and shakes her head* you guys are free to leave whenever
B- oh we know, we're just keeping our lovely friend some company
J- yep
T- awww, how nice of you guys, you guys just love me don't you
B- ofc
J- I like you as a friend, but the only people I love per say is Betty, Gabriel and Toni
B- never heard of Gabriel before
J- it's the name I came up with for our son, well it just popped up in my head
B- that's actually cute. Gabriel Pendleton Jones
J- Jones?
B- mhm hmm *kisses him*
T- *clears her throat* I'm still here you know
B- *giggles* sorry
T- ehhh it's fine *chuckles*
J- Betts are we going home?!
B- you ready to go?
J- yup *gestures to the budge growing in his pants*
B- oh *laughs* let's go, see you soon Tabi
T- Yhp, go do your unholy business in your home, because I don't want to witness
J- got ya
B- definitely

We guickly went to the car, Jughead grabbing my thighs and driving off, we were driving for about five minutes and I'm starving.

B- Jug can we go to Chick-fil-A? It's right over there.
J- Betty *groans and points to his pants*
B- Jug please, we're starving and besides I can't do anything on an empty stomach *🥺*
J- fine, just let me pull over and you can drive, I need to deal with my problem, it's uncomfortable in these jeans, and stop giving me those stupid puppy eyes.
B- ok and never. I'll drive and I could pump you *shrugs* but I won't be able to see what I'm doing
J- thank you Betty and I'm sure you'll do great, your a pro at these stuff
B- *pulls down his pants and boxers and grabs his dick* well Yh, I guess being a exstripper does pay off
J- Betty, whattt?!! And you never told me
B- *starts pumping* didn't think it was important
J- *grunts* Betty I want to know everything about you, including your awful pass
B- well from 13-17 Nick would carry me to the club and have me pleasure others, that's why I hate men, well I don't hate you or Gabriel, but Yh *continues pumping*
J- *moans* omg Betty, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, especially at such a young age. You don't have to do this if you don't want too
B- I kinda suggested it *laughs and continues to pump* and besides Toni saved me
J- h-how *pants*
B- oh she was a hookup, and she thought I was too young and didn't want to be working there, so she came in and we escaped through a hole in the ground, Nick was still at the club and my mom was at work, so I went home take my money from the safe, that he took for my work and went and live with Toni until I found a house and from then we were inseparable
J- well I'm glad Toni got you out of there *shifts in his seat* god I'm about to cum
B- you can go ahead, you'll just have to stretch for the food, I'm not gonna get food with sperm all over my hand *chuckles*
J- *laughs* ok. *cums on her hand* m-may I ask h-how you got i-in the safe *he pants as he comes down from his high*
B- oh just with a Bobby pin *pulls one out her hair* it always comes in handy
J- I gotta see you use one of those, Toni says your good
B- well I like to think so

We soon heard the speaker asking for our order, I jumped, I honestly forgot I was driving, like what in the world.

B- ohh, Uhm can I have two spicy sandwiches with Jack-cheese on both, a cup of ice and a strawberry lemonade please, babe what do you want?
J- I'll get a spicy sandwich with jack-cheese and a coke
M1(machine)- is that all?
B- Yhp, that'll be it, thank you
M1- no problem mamm, go to the next station to pay
B- Ok
M2- the total is $29.40€
B- ok

I went in my bag for my card but Jughead was quicker than me, giving the woman cash. I shot him a glare and he just chuckled, before whispering in my ear and reminding me about my hand. I gasped remembering the moment from just 2 mins ago.

M2- thanks, have a nice day and I hope you enjoy your meal
B- no problem, and I'm pretty sure we will

We drove to the next station getting our food and heading home. We ate our food, then went to our room and watched movies, well not really, we were to busy doing dirtier stuff to pleasure eachother and besides 365 days was playing, which definitely made us do naughtier things.

A/N I posted twice today, might do the same tomorrow to catch up, i really want to get back on schedule, but I'm so busy and when I'm not I sleep, so just see if it'll happen and don't get your hopes up. Also, I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more  motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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