(16) 🎶The Concert🎵

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We walked into the concert building, I held Jughead's hand as Toni held mine, Cheryl holding Toni's own as we squeezed our way through the crowd.

B-babe, they are enough seats for us right here
J- I see that, but we're going up front
B- why?
J- I believe we have VIP seats?
B- babe really!!!
J- yup
B- I'm very grateful, but you didn't have too Jug
J- well it was Olivia and Ariana who got us to go up front, they said it's a part of your payment for their glam or something
B- but I just did it to do it, I didn't need anything in return
J- Ariana was like "I'm getting you guys VIP seats, and I'm not taking no for an answer" and I was like "I don't think Betty would like that idea to much, well she will, but she'll feel like she's taking advantage" then Olivia was like "she is the reason this show is going on, it's the least we could do and that's why we're going to the mall tomorrow" and I was like "uhh ok"
C- you really had to go through all those details hobo
J- yesss, I don't want my baby mama to be mad at me
C- oh come on, she can't be that bad
T- Yh, she is horrible babe. One time I took a piece of her unopened chocolate from the fridge and she didn't talk to me for a whole week; and she wasn't even pregnant!.
C- did you ask for a pice of her UNOPENED chocolate Toni?
B- Np, she didn't, she just went in my fridge and took a piece of my lovely precious chocolate
C- you should've just asked babe *chuckles*
T- she would've said no
B- Yh I would've, but you and I both know that I would've give in after awhile
T- well Yh, but-
C- sorry babe, but you're wrong and you know it
B- thanks Cher, she just wouldn't admit it to herself T- I'm not wrong, Jughead help a girl out
J- Jughead's not here right now
T- please Juggie🥺
J- fine, your wrong Toni, you shouldn't have done that
T- but Jugg-
B- stop calling him Juggie Toni, and only my puppy eyes work on him *roll her eyes*
T- come on, you can't be mad at me
B- I'm not mad at you
T- yes-
B- SHUTUP T!!! The show is about to start

I sang and dance along to their songs to the top of my lungs, singing all the words and hitting all the notes, it was so fun and they were so cute, especially when they sung the backup parts for each other's songs. I grabbed Jughead's hand singing and jumping up and down as much as I could with my baby bump, as he just watched me and smiled; chuckling to himself. Toni and I were dancing and singing traitor when suddenly they called Jughead and I up to the stage, I watched Jughead and he had a smirk on his face, but he also looked nervous.

B- what did you do?🤨
J- nothing😏 come on let's go
B- fine

While we were walking up seven rings began to play, i watched jughead and he just smiled nervously scratching the back of his head. We reached up on the stage and Ariana pulled me into a hug; Olivia smiling and waving at me.

A- guys, how do I look?
Crowd- *screams* gorgeous
A- you know why?
B- *blushes* stawp, you always look gorgeous
Crowd- Yhp, your always gorgeous Ariana
A- awww, thank you!!! Do y'all think Olivia's always gorgeous, because I don't think so
O- *laughs* HEYYY!!!
B- don't mind her, your always gorgeous too
Crowd- Yh, your gorgeous too Olivia
O- awww, thanks guys *turns to Ariana* meanie
A- *chuckles* sorry, you know your gorgeous, but I had to get your attention, and I see I succeeded.
O- *laughs* wassup
A- I was about to tell the crowd who did our glam
O- oh. ok! Should we tell them tho, we can just keep her for ourselves
Crowd- No!!! Tell us
A- *laughs* ok ok, we'll tell you, Olivia wanna do the honor?
O- ofc. If it wasn't for Betty right here the concert would've been canceled, our normal stylist had a last minute errand to run, and Betty here did our hair, makeup, nails, and adjusted our outfits in less than 7 hours while being pregnant. So thank Betty for us being here tonight
B- *blushes and chuckle* it was no problem really
A- oh, Betty I got to ask you something
B- wassup?
A- wanna sing this with me?
B- I don't know
A- please?🥺
B- Uhhh uhm
A- the crowd wants you to sing Betty?
B- eeehh
O- your really gonna disappoint all these people in the crowd, just look at all the cute kids, babies, and adults Betty
A- Yh, come on, please?🥺
B- ok fine, I'll sing with you
O- wait before you start, I have a secret to tell you
B- *giggles* ok
O- *whispers* call Toni and Cheryl up here, I'm gonna get Toni to sing with me
B- *nods, giggles and clasps hands excitedly* ok. Toni and Cheryl, get y'all butts up here

They came unto the stage standing in the back by Jughead. Ariana and I began singing; harmonizing like it was planned, when it reached to "Wearing a ring, but ain't gon' be no "Mrs."
Bought matching diamonds for six of my bitches
I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches
Think retail therapy my new addiction" the whole crowd gasped looking behind me, I quickly turned around gasping in shock before covering my mouth and letting tears fall, in front of me was Jughead on one knee with a ring in his hand

A- we should the music right?! *raises her eyebrows continuously three times*
Crowd- yes, stop it right now
A- *laughs* gotcha

J- before you freak out I just wanna say this isn't a marriage proposal, it's a promise ring, I just wanna say that This ring comes with a pledge that I will be faithful to you. We'll Let these rings remind us of our vow to be monogamous to one another. My promise with this ring is to only have eyes for you. I'll Wear this ring with pride knowing you're the only woman who'll be standing by my side. I know that There are many fish in the sea, but this ring proves you're the only catch for me. Like the heart at the center of this ring, my love now begins and ends with only you. Please accept this ring with the promise that I'm ready to be yours, and yours alone. So do you accept the promise ring?

B- *through tears* YESSS YESSS YESS

I said as I ran over to him engulfing him into a hug and giving him a huge kiss as he slipped the ring on my ring finger

J- I guess I could put my own on too, I was scared you would've said no, wanna do the honors?

B- of course *slips the ring on his finger* just so you know, I would've never said no, even if you didn't give that beautiful speech I would've said yes, I love you with all my heart Juggie

J- and I love you with all my heart Elizabeth

B- I'll only accept you calling me by my real name right now Forsythe, because my hormones being a bitch and making me cry

J- Heyyy! No fair *pouts*
B- *kisses his pout and giggles* you started it
J- *sticks out his tongue after her*
B- *licks his tongue* can I have your jacket please?
J- Yh of course *takes his jacket off* here you go
B- thx Babe. You know I only give you that jacket because I knew I would get cold and wanted your jacket before the concert was over?!.
J- you could've just take my jacket
B- it wouldn't have smell like you *pecks his lip*
A- aren't they just the cutest?
O- I know right, they're so adorable
Crowd- best concert ever, the best singers and a cute little promise proposal, and these two cute girls (it's Cheryl and Toni, if you guys didn't already know😭) hugging, crying and kissing in the back all at once, my life's literally complete right now
A/B/C/J/O/T- *giggles* awww, thx guys. That's really sweet🥺💖

                          ^^^The promise rings^^^

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                          ^^^The promise rings^^^

A/N sorry for not posting, I've been unmotivated and I didn't know anything about a concert (I still don't, if y'all couldn't already tell😭) but, I would really appreciate if you guys would follow me and interact with my story more, btw I'm always opens for requests, it's just that the more followers and interactions I get is the more  motivation I get to write and it's less of a possibility of me skipping a day, and the request is for y'all because I want to keep y'all happy, so if y'all want something to happen later on in any of my story just request and I'll try my best to fit it in☺️

~ Niqua💖

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