the 2 lords part 12 galford vs bang

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Rikku and diablo walk towards keera

Diablo: "if you dare us then we have to accept"

Rikku: "aero, pit, bang and Atalanta protect shera, rem and Alicia"

All of them nodded as they would get in front of them

Keera: "good then come forth force hydra" he would throw the summon crystal as it starts making a large green tornado

Rem: "what is that?" Rororo the hydra and the slime giant get ready for a fight with their summoner

Alicia: "it's huge"

Bang: "definitely stronger then anything we fought so far from this world"

Shera: "run diablo, no one can beat this summon, it's the elven nation secret weapon"

Keera: "oh it's too late for regrets now" soon a 4 headed hydra was show to be in similar size to rororo but larger as well as diablo and rikku not recognizing the summon before: "have a nice death demon"

Keera: "oh it's too late for regrets now" soon a 4 headed hydra was show to be in similar size to rororo but larger as well as diablo and rikku not recognizing the summon before: "have a nice death demon"

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Rikku: "anyways shera if it was unbeatable then why fear something like krebskulm as well as why didn't the elven nation use it to conquer the world since it's a summon"

Alicia: (wait why did he bring krebskulm into this)

Shera: "well i, I'm not sure how to answer to that question"

Keera would walk back slowly behind the force hydra and get some distance away: "it's simply wonderful, just as i suspect from a forbidden summon with a power to destroy the entire world hahahaha gahahaha" he laugh for a bit like a manic

Diablo: (i don't remember seeing a summon like this in cross reverie and base on Rikku's expression he doesn't either since he's a summoner)

Shera: "but i think we should run, that guardian deity has been in the royal family for generation, not even you can defeat it"

Atalanta: "do not underestimate diablo or rikku since they are working together now in this fight so no way they can lose"

Rikku: (man is it that strong so it's has to be above level 100 but if we had our best gear that's another question): "shera best not to speak now since doesn't look like we can run so stand back"

Soon the hydra chest glowed as each head had a different color like green,red, yellow and blue which it roar

Diablo: "I'm intrigued, everyone stand back i need room to crush that thing"

Keera: "that's it attack force hydra, tear them apart"

Diablo: (i don't recognize the monster or the flute he used to control shera, it's possible that thing in cross reverie that didn't appear in the game, which make things more exciting)

It seem celsoir would see the force hydra as aero carried him: "is that"

Keera: "you idiots just give up now, there no way for you to win"

The 2 Lords (dragon platinum lord OC Rikku X How not to summon a demon lord )Where stories live. Discover now