the 2 lord Omega ch 9 Frozen king

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As it seems the group was taken towards tye floating fortress it seems Horn was collecting things as she plans to run away before anyone gets to their room

Horn: "i have to find a way to escape the pursers will their way here soon so i got to hurry, at least the others will be alright since they're crazy strong, they're going to be just fine"

She would notice the holy grail she got from diablo's place: (this cup, i brought it withe me as a souvenir from the treasure vault) "what an adventure, it really was like one of my dreams come true, i had the best time, they, they're all my friends, please let them he okay"

She was crying till it seems a small girl appear on the holy grail : "so you want to save them then"

Horn: "of course more than anything, wait who said that" she look around as the voice came form the cup

???: "I'm here" she sees her: "hey there"

Soon horn move back surprised: "what in the hell are you"

???: "Rude, you really don't know, i am none other than the level up goddess who dwells in the holy grail, the legendary Babylon herself hello"

Horn move towards her: "holy grail"

Babylon: "yeah duh"

Horn: "wow hold up, what did you say about being a level up goddess"

Babylon: "just that i am and speaking of which, you're just a level 20 yup, big off it's a bit tragic throwing a few levels up bones, whatever if you actually earn them or not"

Horn: "what are you serious and if you did and i can go rescue everyone, hurry up do it so i can save them"

Babylon: "yeah idk how i feel when you boss me around like that"

Horn would soon slam her head down: "sorry i take it back, please have mercy on me"

Babylon: "woah timeout that's a little extreme"

Horn: "it's nothing compared to how they're feeling, I've abandon them when they need most, it hurt so much and i don't mean my head i mean my heart"

Babylon: "okay i get it, i still have empathy left"

Horn: "you really mean that"

Babylon: "sure and you already made a offering so i have to at this point'

Horn: "i don't remember a offering"

Babylon: "it's to maintain my beauty, i needed fresh blood from a Maiden and you delivered, i notice yours had a strange flavor, it was still warm and delicious"

Horn realize something when a flashback show of her holding the holy grail

Past Aero: "better make sure Rose doesn't catch you doing that to a rare item"

Horn: "i know she'll kill me, this place is terrifying has it has no restroom"

Aero: "the reason I'm allowing it since what so sacred about a not having a break room, we just usually do it in our own floors, anyhow, you're lucky to pick the holy grail, it'll vanish and nothing will happen"

Horn: "you sure are a weird one Aero and I'm done"

Aero turn back: "lets get going now"

Back at the present: (it's all coming back now, guess that's why my waste disappear)

Babylon: "since you gave me fresh blood, I'll grant you a miracle easy ats that"

Horn: "thank you" (as long she thinks it's blood who am i to tell)

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