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Bella.coat: I say that I hate you with a smile on my face - Sour - coming soon - countdown: 4 days Tagged: @madimonroe @Charlidamelio
Blakegray, Kayla.carson, and 728,701 likes
Vinniehacker: you know how to drop an album and look great doing it 🤨 what's your secret? •Bella.coat: having confidence, I just gained some getting a compliment from someone like you :) •Vinniehacker: someone like me? •Bella.coat: you're undeniably attractive sir •Vinniehacker: that means a lot coming from someone as pretty as you <3
vinniefuqkme: I see you Vinnie 👀🤨
Noahbeck: you don't hate me {Bella.coat deleted this comment}