⚠️ Bad Liars & Nightmares - NaLu ❤️‍🩹

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Natsu tossed and turned: ruffling Lucy's covers and grunting out of terror. Lucy, no, no, no! This can't be happening! Why? he internally screamed.

You see, our dear Fire Dragon Slayer was having nightmares of when Lucy had been attacked by Dimaria Yesta: former Warrior Queen of the Spriggan 12. The salmonette had been unconscious then woke up only to see his best friend badly injured and also in an unconscious state, like he had previously been. Why, the poor unfortunate soul went simply berserk - as I imagine anyone in his situation would do - and attacked the Warrior Queen, leaving her quite frightened afterwards. Natsu had went so insane that he tried to kill Gray and go kill Zeref afterwards. If it weren't for Erza stopping their fight later on, who knows what would've happened?

Now, let's talk about the nightmares in general. What's even worse about these nightmares is that they aren't consistent, but it's common for them to appear on days when he's nostalgic and sad. They also tend to be about moments that left a deep impression on him as a person. An example would be the first nightmare Natsu ever had: when Igneel died right in front of him. Natsu has been having the nightmares for four years now, but he always managed to wake up before Lucy could notice and start worrying over him. He tried his best to keep it under wraps, so as to not worry his caring and doting wife too much. This time though was difficult. His brain kept on repeating the moment over and over again, no matter how much he wanted to stop it. The nightmare had gotten so bad that Lucy woke up to see her husband crying and covered in sweat. With her eyes full of horror and sadness for Natsu, she tried her best to wake him up - but to no avail. Therefore, she got up and went to the bathroom to grab a towel and some cold water.

Lucy took off Natsu's shirt and removed the heavy blankets from his body. Then she dipped the towel into the cold water and patted him with it slowly and carefully, making him finally wake up. His breathing was all over the place, until Lucy spoke up "Dear...what happened to you?" Natsu stole a glance at his wife, who was still patting him with the cold and wet towel.

"Luce..." he stopped as tears began to spring up from his eyes again, while he jumped out of the bed to hug Lucy - knocking over the bowl of cold water and startling the celestial wizard. "YOU'RE ALIVE! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Natsu pulled back from the hug, to give her a once over and make sure that she truly wasn't injured anywhere.

"Of course I am. What's wrong, Natsu?"

His eyes widened, and he quickly responded; stumbling over his words "I...It's fine, don't worry about it."

Lucy glared at him fiercely "Tell me the truth. Because as far as I know: seeing my husband crying in his sleep, and happily exclaiming that 'I'm alive' - isn't a good thing." she stated, then continued "Of course, I could just be overreacting." Her chocolate brown eyes looked at him sternly. The face she had on at that very moment could even get Erza scared. Natsu avoided her gaze, but eventually confessed and told her everything. Once he was done explaining, he expected her to be mad for lying to her and pretending everything was fine, but instead Lucy hugged him firmly. Lucy cried softly "Why didn't you tell me sooner, you big idiot?"

Natsu looked at Lucy, shocked at her reaction. "I didn't wanna worry you..."

"So, you thought not saying anything at all would be better?"

"Yeah, I can see the problem with that now." He nervously laughed.

She let go of Natsu, shoving him away slightly "Now, that I know I'm going to help you, got it?"


Lucy pressed her right hand on his mouth, and put her left hand's index finger in front of her lips, indicating that she wanted him to stop talking. "I don't care about what you have to say right now, Natsu. Just knowing that you felt this scared yet you never told me hurts my feelings. So, I'm going to help you, whether you like it or not."

Natsu took her hand off his mouth and smiled at her "Thank you, Luce." He kissed her on the lips, and as they pulled away - Lucy wiped up the spilled water, then began to talk about what they should do to stop the nightmares and the effects of them on his mental and physical state.

"So, it's obvious that you've been having these nightmares for a while. Do you know for how long exactly?" Lucy asked, as she picked up some paper from her desk and a pencil to write their plan of action down.

"Uh, since we got married...?"

She dropped her pencil in shock, "Dear..." which is a term of endearment that she only uses for him when she's scared "That's four years." Lucy got up from where she was sitting across from him, and walked over to Natsu, grabbing him by the shoulders. "How did you hide it for that long without getting me to notice?"

His onyx eyes looked at her eyes, which were full of terror and concern. "I...I was just kidding."

Lucy looked at him angrily "Why do you keep lying? If you keep doing that, it makes me feel like you don't trust me." She let her hands - which were previously on Natsu's shoulders - fall onto her lap as she looked at them. "Why...why do you keep lying to me?"

Natsu looked at her clenched fists and noticed a clear liquid falling on them, only to look at her face realize that Lucy was crying. "I'm sorry, Luce. I just don't wanna worry you. I trust you, I love you, and I never ever wanted to make you cry." He grabbed her hands in his and gently squeezed them; giving them a soft and feathery kiss "I never want to be reason for your tears."

The 10 key celestial wizard smiled tenderly, and wiped away her tears as she laughed "When did you get so romantic?"

"I had some time to practice." AKA Loke taught him. Nastu gave Lucy one of his iconic toothy smiles that told her everything will be alright.

"Let's try this again." Lucy picked the paper and pencil up from the spot she had dropped them, and they began their plan of action once more.


Lucy jotted down the last word on the paper, then recited what was written:

Natsu's Nightmares Plan

1) Talk about the nightmares with Lucy, every time I wake up from one

2) Avoid looking at things that remind me of my nightmares

3) Exercise everyday before bed

4) Don't drink alcohol before bed

"Okay, so I think that should do it. Are you absolutely sure you'll be able to do these, Natsu?"

He then manically laughed "OF COURSE, I CAN!" Natsu stood tall and proud with his hands on his hips.

Lucy responded with a giggle "I'm happy that you finally told me." They smiled lovingly at each other, until Lucy abruptly ended the silence. "Well, we better go to sleep. Are you feeling okay, Natsu?"she began to get up, and walk over to her desk to grab a pin and hang the plan on a noticeable wall for Natsu.

"Yeah, I'm fine - because you're here with me." Lucy turned around after pinning the paper to the wall, and hugged him; kissing him happily at the same time.

"I love you, Natsu."

"I love you too, Luce. To the stars & back." Their eyes held so much love for the other, that could never be expressed - for there was not just one way to show it. Thus the couple separated from their hug and walked towards the bed; Natsu's chin resting on Lucy's head as he began to close his eyes. She tilted her head up a bit to look at him.

She sighed, and kissed him on the nose. "You big idiot, getting me all worried about you." Lucy looked at Natsu's snoring face, and gave a small giggle again. "But you're my big idiot." And therefore, she went to sleep, burying herself in Natsu's arms - her head laying on his chest.

The End of:
Bad Liars & Nightmares

Coming Up:
A/N #1

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