Sick Sirius

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Sirius was curled up on the edge of the sofa, blanket draped over his shoulders, sniffling. Remus could feel Sirius' eyes on him as he read, and lowered the book after a few moments. "Hi," Remus smiled his soft little smile. He couldn't help it. Sirius just looked so cute, with his flushed cheeks, sleepy eyes and sniffly nose. Remus patted the small space beside him, and Sirius came over, squeezing himself in between the arm of the chair and Remus' body, his legs partly on Remus' lap. As he began to read again, one hand now running itself through Sirius' hair, the boy's head on his shoulder, Sirius' eyes seemed to be following the words too. "Read to me." Sirius said, in this voice that made Remus just want to die. "Are you sure, it's not very interesting..." Sirius just nudged Remus' book with a foot, indicating he wanted him to read. "From 1474..." Remus knew Sirius wasn't paying any attention, because the boy's eyes drooped, his head becoming heavier on Remus shoulder. "Hey," Remus whispered, "don't fall asleep here, baby, let's go up to bed." But Sirius couldn't have heard, 'cause he was already asleep. Sirius hadn't slept in two days, so Remus set the book down, shifting so he could rest his head on Sirius'. 

And that's where they were when Minerva found them two hours later, two sleepy boys mushed into the same chair, the corners of both their mouth's upturned. She spreads an extra blanket over Remus, collects the empty tea mug threatening to fall from his hands and just smiles. Oh, and she also makes the mental note that Dumbledore owes her twenty galleons. 

Sick Sirius/Sleepy Sirius is just so adorable in my eyes, just Sirius with flushed pink cheeks, just Sirius. Not that loud, arrogant mask. But Sirius. Quiet, adorable, snuggly and just so in love with Remus Lupin. 

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