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Sirius saw Remus storm into the common room out of the corner of his eye, and he watched as Remus cluttered around, first years scattering out of his way. "Sirius? Siiiirius?" Sirius snapped back to James, "yeah? Oh, uh, Harpies?" James just sighed, leaning back in his chair and starting to rabbit on about Quidditch stuff. Remus had seemingly disappeared, so Sirius settled back into the conversation. 

"Remus, mate?" James paused, looking up over Sirius' head. Sirius swivelled, "you ok?" Sirius patted the sofa beside him, and Remus went round the sofa and dove into Sirius' lap, his hair instantly being caressed by the other boy's fingers. "Wha-" Sirius had started, but stopped. "Bad day," Remus said shortly. Sirius tutted in reply as his finger continued to run through Remus' hair, soothing him. "What the-?" Sirius looked up into his best mates confused face, biting his lip. "Prongs we were gonna tell you... it's just the time was never right." James looked even more confused, "that Remus is my boyfriend, James." James' eyes widened, his mouth open. "Boyfriend?" 

"Yeah." The common room was silent, not that Sirius cared, as they watched James blink in utter confusion. "Wait... so you and Remus are dating?" Sirius thought he heard a slight of disgust in James' voice, and he felt tears prick at the back of his eyes. "James I-" Sirius stopped himself, and he felt Remus sit up and put his arms around him. "No, no, no. Sirius, mate, I'm happy for you, I am. Just... shocked, I guess." Sirius got up and hugged James tightly, "thank you mate," he whispered into Prongs' ear. 

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