A few headcannons :)

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Lily + Sirius friendship: 

Sirius being the first to know when Lily finally realised she was totally in love with James Potter because 'Sirius! You arrogant twat, I'm not pregnant! I'm in love with James!' And Sirius just staring at her with his mouth wide open because 'he's been head over heels for you for fucking years of you hating him and now you love him?!' And Lily swatting him round the head with a book because she can. 

Lily receiving a letter from Petunia to inform her that she's not invited to Petunia's wedding and Sirius is the one that finds her staring into the fire in the common room with tears in the eyes. 'Alright Evans, wh- you ok, Red?' And him sitting next to her and gently taking the balled up paper from her hand and letting Lily cry on his shoulder once he's told her 'your sister sounds like a ballache, Lily." Then those two staying up 'til four in the morning playing chess because 'you're not  out our mums, James, so we will stay up until this time!' 

Sirius letting Lily in on half the Marauders pranks because 'goddammit Prongs she's great at distracting teachers with some question about homework.'

Lily getting smashed with the Marauders and as they get drunker and drunker James pops into a stag and lowers so Lily can climb on his back, and then galloping through the streets with a laughing Sirius chasing after them and screaming because 'his delightful Lily was being deer-napped!' 

"Hey, uh, Evans. How would I ask a cuddly, chocolate-loving, sweater-wearing adorable werewolf to be my boyfriend?" And Sirius looking at Lily through his dark lashes and biting his lip because, fuck, he hasn't even told James yet. Lily blinking at him for a few seconds before simply saying, 'well I recommend buying him a sweater and chocolate but how should I know?' 

Sirius going on both the stag-do (yes James we get it, STAG) and the hen-do, because Red and Prongs are both his best friends. 

Sirius getting his nails painted with Lily ready for her wedding because 'not having the bride out-do the best man!' and Lily just laughing and telling him that he would look fantastic in red. 

And when baby Harry is born Sirius is the one peering over Lily's shoulder at his beautiful godson, because James is passed out on the floor after seeing his baby just once. 'Want to hold him?' the red-head smiled up at him, and as he takes this beautiful, miracle, totally breakable and fragile baby in his hands he is in utter awe because 'fucking hell, Lily, you did it!' and just laughing out of pure joy. And when James wakes up somehow all three of them end up laying on the bed laughing and smiling and their new bundle of joy. 

And when Sirius has one final pinprick of hope left as he stumbles up the stairs in Lily and James' little house, Lily is the only one that can break it. And when he sees her green eyes glassy and red hair spread across the floor he just drops to his knees in front of her because Lily can't be dead! She's just so alive. And he is sobbing and shaking as he carries his godson out of the house, almost dropping him when he walks past James' cold body. He hugs Harry tight to his chest, the last thing he has, and when that is taken from him too and he is shoved into that cold, dark cell, he screams and cries for his Red, just wanting to see her one last time. 

James + Sirius friendship:

James stumbling out of bed at four in the morning and opening his front door only for his jaw to drop in horror because his best friend is standing there bloody and bruised and beaten and sobbing and anything but ok. Sirius apologising profusely but James saying 'shut up, you twat, we'd all rather you were here than there anyway.' 

James dragging himself out of bed when he hears Sirius' muffled crying at 1 in the morning because he's had another nightmare and just holding him until the pain stops. 

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