Fighting Blackwatch Hordes

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The prototype watched with unbelieving eyes how this man healed from top to bottom and looked like nothing happened to him. His clothes were restored too and Alex cursed the fact maybe these government spooks had acquired his biomass from somewhere and discovered its potential to make it possible for their use. What's worse, is that now his eyes had become fully yellow like a full moon on a haunted night that had no pupils, just shined a greenish yellow in totality. His arms then became black as Alex saw that it was biomass fists he was using now. However he did not change in stature or had any other distinguishing characteristic that could show he was a monster like him.

Then the bastard spat at him with that corrosive liquid. The liquid was white with red messy patterns, like mixed paint of those two colors that began to fume as he hit his arm and immediately it began to fume. Thankfully he was in his armored self but he quickly detached that armor piece to fall off him before Alex blocked a roundhouse kick with his right arm. The kick was devastating, making a shockwave as it broke his arm to crumple him into the dirt to force him into a barrel roll. Alex felt his arm flap as he placed his footing on the ground and skidded hard to break rock and fire patches of the dangerous white phosphorous to a halt.

Lucy engaged him in a fight as she grabbed his limbs and attempted to tear him into pieces, but he was strong. She was shocked to feel him get free and almost hit her with a motai knee to her face but Lucy made a vector to pierce him through the torso and held him in the air.

"Huemehehehehe." He chuckled as he bled red like normal people but his blood quickly showed white spots that dwelled within the liquid. The opposite of the offensive type he used to burn Alex's flesh. Something was way off with this guy and Lucy knew it as he began to remove himself from her vector that he could see in plain sight.

"Very impressive reaction time. Colonel will have a field day with you. We can evolve humanity in one strike. All we need is you two to give up yourselves as sacrifices-" before Havoc could end his speech, Lucy had pierced his face with a vector and crunched him, twisting him like a used mop to wring him out to paint the ground with his strange blood

"We do not owe humanity a thing-! Let us be you freak knockoff-!!!"

Alex Mercer felt the liquid burn him like acid as he fought this military monster that seemed to be a unique kind meant to counteract him.

Sergeant Havoc was a damn unit. He charged towards him and Alex did the same as Lucy caught 5 sniper shots with five of her vectors and boosted herself to jump over another shots aimed at her to leap to the air and intercept a punch of his. To Alex's disbelief, he saw the now visible vector that went to stop that punch cave and be destroyed as it let out an explosion to then fire a burst of wind towards Alex. The prototype saw that coming and created his shield to block. Even by blocking, Alex was sent packing across a building and landed to another one by flopping to a twenty something floor.

He crashed and smashed everything in his path to the poor office building as he stopped by making his right arm into a blade and cleaved it on the floor to stop his momentum. He stopped bouncing and halted to a stop as he removed his blade from the floor to look at his left arm that had the big shield. He turned it smaller and looked to the front to inspect the dent he could clearly feel.

"Guuah... Fuck!" He said as he really sensed pain like if he was a human again. He undid the shield as then the building he was in rocked. It rocked hard to tip side to side then ultimately start leaning towards the right as chairs, desks, lockers, and even plaster walls came falling down to slide toward the right across the floor.

"What the hell-!?" Alex said as he morphed his claws and moved over to the edge as the windows began to burst. He got out to lean on the outside to see he was in the 27th floor. And he saw the one at fault for the collapsing building. There on the foot of the building was Havoc, still just using his biomass arms that were picking up the building up to break the supports and side that he was pushing up.

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWhere stories live. Discover now