Missing him

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Lucy waited for Alex and now tended to him as Dana had shown her the whole process. And it hurt her to see that Alex was this messed up that he needed so many surgeries and IVs to get better. Yet he wasn't waking up.

This scared her the most as she held his hand and was on either side for days, close to a month by now and nothing yet. Not even a small opening of his eyes.

He missed his words. The voice that made her stay conscious and not fall into depression. She felt so guilty that he was like this. She blamed herself for not being strong enough to protect him and that he had to take a lot of blows that made him mortal, capable to die when he was a being that couldn't die.

He said that she was the reason he kept going. And it bruised her mind that in finding such a dangerous purpose, to be with her, that might have almost killed him.

She now sat beside his bed and brushed his hair with her free hand as she hoped to hear a moan, a groan, or anything that may confirm he was sleeping smoothly. Yet that wasn't happening. Instead it was like he was choking or worse going into a nightmare fit by shaking and rocking himself too hard.

She kissed his cheek and at least smiled seeing that the black veins had dissipated or receded back into his body. Scabs and dried blood infused with the whitelight virus was slowly brushed off him with each bath she scrubbed with Dana's help to keep him clean.

She hoped nothing will remain once he woke up. It would burn her everytime she had to look at those blue-black veins.

Lucy breathed at a faster pace as she imagined that Alex never did wake up. She imagined never seeing him awake again. That made her eyes water and her heart strings constrict at such a possibility. She stood up from her seat and hugged her beloved, grasping him hard as he smelled fine with a tinge of medicine.

Alex always had the scent of a perfume that a leather wearing man that seeked adventure. A smell that equated to a sense of freedom.

Now... He smelled like a hospital patient.

She hated it.

Lucy then let go and gave a somber barely uplifting grin at knowing that Dana was here to make Alex well again.

By this point she bet without Dana's medical skill, she would have lost Alex by now. How fast she would have killed herself then... She was glad fate spared her that fate. Now she had hope. Small but there. And she would hold on to it no matter what.

She let go of Alex's hand and stepped away from the bed as she left the tent and went outside. Lucy looked at her hands and saw the bare palms of hers reflect the bright sunshine.

It was a nice day. She closed her eyes and looked up as she still held her hands out in the open. That's when they began to morph, changing into claws as Lucy looked back down to see the change.

After some practice, Lucy had the grasp on this new power. It was something else entirely as she practice with Dana's help. She was very willing to see her extend, even offering her to test her regeneration by cutting off an arm.

She of course bonked Dana and she helped her with a more reasonable and less gory approach by setting up targets, transforming her arms, and even informing her what these powers are best or worst within battle.

She jumped with superhuman speed, testing her legs as she felt her body sing with the virus, or her cells at this point "That was a weird thought" Lucy noted to herself as she was soaring high in the warm wind that soon became cold with her rising and quick decent.

Keeping a constant distance, she leaped high enough to avoid anyone from seeing her as well thankes the not so populated place this area was. It was Suriname. A city far into the forest of South America. She had been around and learned about the locals, traveling around to see what threats they could be facing.

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWhere stories live. Discover now