Background Checks

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Can needed a break from reading through the employees history along with Emre help that had joined in later in the eveningin the comfort of their home. He decided to take a run along the waters edge. Sitting on a bench thinking about his Dad's business. He wanted so much to trust the people that works at the Agency. He himself became good friends with many of them and the last thing he wanted was to loose their trust in the Divit men. But, when it really came down to it he basically had to protect his Father's Business. He slowly got up and jogged back to the house. Emre had gone through most of the files when Can return home, he showered and Emre had a glass of whiskey waiting for him when he finished. Can sat on the couch to read the last few files that were left. "Emre, can I ask you about your assistant Leyla? I see her parents own a small grocery store in the Mahalle and at one time they were 40 thousands dollars in debt" ...... "Wait a minute Brother, don't even go there. She is one of the most trusted women at the Agency other than Deren. I even would trust her with my life" ...... "Wow Emre, don't get so defensive. I was just asking. Chill bro .......... do I sense that you have interest in her" ........ "I'm not gonna lie but, yes! We have gone out on dates a few times" ...... "Emre Divit is banging his assistant" Emre throws at pillow at him from across the other couch. "No, I am not Can. Alright Mr Non- Commitment! Tell me what is going on with you and Polen" ...... "Emre, after all these years of seeing her. I'm just not into her, as much as I have tried I have no feelings for her. The Love is just not there at all toward her and to be honest I am bored. I can't continue this anymore. I need to tell her that it's over. I feel like something is missing in my life especially after what happened last night at the Opera House" ........ "What happened" ...... "I kissed a girl in the dark on the balcony. I thought it was Polen. It was like electricity went through my whole body, she must of felt it to because she was into it just as much as me. Emre, she had the most beautiful scent, I haven't been able to get it out of my mind" ........"Wow Brother that must of been one hell of a kiss. Did you see what she looked like" ...... "No, she ran out of the room and I was going to go after her but, Mom and Polen walked in." ...... "How are you going to find her. Sounds to me like you are thinking that" ...... "I don't know, check the registery maybe" ...... "OK, so you are going to every woman that was there and sniff their necks until you find that scent. Your such a wolf searching for his pry slash mate" Can had to laugh at that remark. "If that's what it takes" He said laughing "Your such a beast" Can threw at pillow back at Emre then picks up the last file that read Aylin name. As he was reading it he kept saying huh. "Can, what are you seeing in the file. Sounds to me like it could be interesting" ...... "What do you know about this Aylin lady" ...... "She seems to be a computer wiz and has some background history of causing issues in other companies she had worked for. I can't believe DNR didn't catch this. Emre we need to talk to her on Monday" ...... "Hopefully she knows something or maybe the spy in the Agency"

On the other side of town: " Hello Polen! I need you to be up Can's ass 24/7. Find out what is going on and report back to me" ...... "Why" ...... "Just do what I asked and don't say anything that I am behind this"  Ending the call leaving Polen a little confused. Than went on to enjoy her brother visiting her and their mom.

Metin showed up at the house to have some drinks with Can and Emre. They filled him in on what was happening at the Agency. Metin offered any help they may need pitching in to finish up the search" Can, I have friend that I took to the 40th Anniversary Celebration last night. And no it wasn't a date. She is just client. Anyway, She may need a Advertising Company for a future business and I recommend you guys. Is there any possible way you could set up an appointment with her to discuss the options? It could be a good campaign for the Agency. She is a very sweet and trust worthy person." ...... "Sure how about early afternoon on Monday?" ...... "I will text her now to see if that works for her......... Yep, she can do it then"...... "Great, what is her name. I will put this appointment in my calender to remind me" ...... "Her name is Sanem Aydin and I will be accompanying her since I am her lawyer." Emre and Can looked at each other with the same thought wondering if she was related to Leyla somehow. " OK, I need to get going. I will see you on Monday and remember if you need anything between now and than don't be afraid to ask. I want this ass whole caught just as much as you do." Can walks Metin to his car. "I hope you keep the Agency business and the Sanem business separate"  ...... "Can, you don't need to worry about that. Her and I already talked about it. If she decides to go with you I told her that I am out of it and it was up to her from that point. This girl has been through alot and the only reason I am her Lawyer is because your father and Mihriban recommend me to her Grandmother to deal with some estate stuff. So put the attitude away." ........ "I sorry, it's been a very stressful day. I will talk to you soon"  Can went to his room and sat on his bed when he remembered the notebook that he shoved in his backpack after it had finally dried from being in the river. Taking a seat back on his bed against the headboard took it out to see if there was a name of the owner that it belonged to. He flipped through the pages and he couldn't help but to read it from the beginning. He felt sorry for this person as he read the things that had happened in their life. He could relate in so many ways. As he got further along he figured out it was girl and how she was abused in Ankara by a man. He got really upset as he read the things he had done to her. No woman should ever go through what she had been through he thought as he continued to read it. How could she ever trust a man again with all that had happened to her thinking to himself. As a man he never in his life being raised my his father taught him how to respect a woman and never ever lay a hand on her no matter how angry he was. It was better to just walk away to cool down and then talk things over with her in a calmly manner. If that didn't work then move on. As much as Huma had been toward his father one thing he did was never lay a hand on her and taught his son's to do the same. For to him it was better to be alone rather than be with someone that made you miserable, degraded you or made you feel empty inside. He knew it was happening between Polen and him for quite sometime with that thought Can knew it was time to end whatever their relationship was. Hopefully she felt the same and both would agree to just be friends and nothing more. Sleep finally caught up with him and feel asleep with the notebook laying on his chest.

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