Don't Leave

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After dinner was done. The Family sat out on the lawn around a firepit that Aziz had lit. Having a few drinks while enjoying a beautiful night watching the bright stars twinkle in the sky. Can hadn't said much after he came back from his run earlier in the evening. Mihriban and Mevkibe had been watching him periodically as well as Aziz and Nihat. Emre once in a while would pat him on the back whenever he would walk by him just to let him know he was there to support his big brother.

It was quite, when out of the blue Can spoke these words that shocked them all "I can't stay here.....I will be leaving in the morning and will be going over to the Mainland since Sanem told me that she doesn't want to see me and to go back to where I came from. I think it is best that I go." Mevkibe and Mihriban looked at each other. One of them had to say something. So Mihriban decided it was her "Oh, so your going to just give up and walk away. Did you expect her to greet you with open arms? Can, we heard what Sanem said to you. That is not what she meant by telling you to leave. She said go back to where you came from, which meant downstairs. When she said "Get" that is completely different. It didn't mean to leave. She doesn't want to see you or deal with you right now. If you ask your Father, Nihat, Mevkibe and I it is due to her waking up seeing where she was trying to deal with that and on top of you being the first one she sees when she woke up. You are taking this the wrong way. If you walk away tomorrow morning, you will have no chance whatsoever of getting her back. She will take it as you not wanting any part of your babies and it will show her that you don't want her in your life anymore. Can, it's time to stop walking away and disappearing when things get rough in your life. You take on a case just to avoid facing the obstacles. It is time to face this situation head on. Put your pride aside for once and fight like hell to get Sanem back and don't you dare desert those babies. They need a Father whether or not things work out between you and Sanem. My question to you is this...........Are you willing to fight for them? If so the worst thing you can do is leave".............."Son, I must agree with what Mihriban just said" Followed by Nihat and Mevkibe also agreeing. Everyone else sitting around in the circle kept quiet to let the parents handle Can.

"It is time for you to make some major changes in you life Can. You now have a Family to take care of. You can't keep running away. I am not referring to the Task Force. This is about all goes back from what happened to you growing up. You were abandoned, unloved and pushed to aside by someone so damn selfish that only cares about herself. I doesn't mean that you should go around repeating it. Break that ball and chain that is around your ankle. You can't change the past but you can change the future by starting now. Don't leave those babies without a Father. Do you want them to grow up feeling like you did and still are? I honestly think not Son!".............."Dad, my life has changed in the past twenty four hours. I am fucking scared. I don't know what to do or how to be a Father to the twins."...........
"Son, you may think that your gonna be a shitty Dad. Your not! You are a very loving and caring man thanks to your Dad and Mihriban. So please don't walk away from them or my daughter even though she hates you, correction that's a harsh word to use more in the term of dislikes you right now. Stay and fight. Every man out there has felt like you do. You'll learn just like us. You will be fine and the babies are going to love you unconditionally and you will love them just the same. Mevkibe and I care a hell of alot about you as if you are our own son. That's goes for you too Emre. If you walk out of their life all respect that my wife and I have for you will go down the drain and we will no longer have anything to do with you. I said what I needed to, so if you all will excuse me. I am going to check on my daughter and the twins then go to bed. Mevkibe would you care to join me?" She gets up and they head in the house without saying a word. That made Can think twice because he himself had just as much respect for them.

Next Leyla gets up "Can, you have already hurt my sister and if you walk away it will be more devastating to her as well as our parents and myself. You better think real hard about this. You may be my brother-in-law but if you leave as you said your were. Guess what? You will never ever be considered my brother because I will disown you in a heart beat. You will also never see me come visit with Emre. I am going to bed and hope when I rise in the morning you will be here" She walks away leaving Aziz, Mihriban, Emre and Can sitting there in pure silence. Sitting watching the flames for a while Emre gets up "I'm going to bed. Brother please don't leave. I will see you all in the morning. Sleep well."

Mihriban and Aziz looked over at Can seeing tears run down his face. "Can, you can do this. You are 30 years old. Your Father and I have made many mistakes in our relationship. It caused us to be apart for many years. Both of us were miserable the whole time. Just like You and Sanem. Please don't make the mistake that we did because one day you will look in the mirror and see how you have aged then you will realize also that you let Sanem get away and it may be to late. You both have already missed almost a year. I don't want you to regret it further down the road and believe me you will because we see the way you look at her with much Love in your eyes."...............Aziz and Mihriban then went up to bed. Can stayed there thinking all alone. He saw the light switch on in Sanem's room. He put out the fire and slowly made his way to check on them before heading to bed himself. When he walked in Gamze was injecting Sanem's breast milk in the twins feeding tube. Sanem was laying there in her bed watching him, He turned to leave and stopped right by her bed. She looked away "Sanem Divit, I am very much aware that you don't want to see me and hope that I would leave. So guess what, I am staying here if anything for the sake of my babies. Get use to it." He goes to walk out the room when she spoke "Don't call me Sanem Divit"........."Whatever Sanem you had no problem using my last name. This tells me that you still have or had feelings for me. When and if you want to talk just let me know. I will be glad to stop what I am doing so we can clear this thick air and decide from there what to do next. Good night" Out the door he went to go into his bedroom closing the door behind him.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now