A Long Day of Agony

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Sanem, CeyCey and Leyla were escorted to the Agency by Ibriam. He dropped them off at the door and waited for them to go inside before he drove away. Bulut would come later to escort them back to the Island. Emre saw Leyla walking to her office and ran to her side giving her a passionate kiss. She wanted to come today to be there for Sanem and support her to help get her through the day.

 She wanted to come today to be there for Sanem and support her to help get her through the day

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He then joined her in her office and filled her in on Can's behavior last night. Leyla could only think about her sister and how she will ever be able to help Can. She than focused on her work. Sanem was with CeyCey and Guliz
at the refreshment bar talking and having a cup of coffee waiting for Deren to arrive.

Guliz was showing them how to read their fortune by how the coffee dries in the cup

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Guliz was showing them how to read their fortune by how the coffee dries in the cup. When in walks Can with of course a major attitude first thing. What an nice way to start your day. It's a bad situation when the employees are on edge when they come to work worried about the mood the boss maybe in. Well, Guliz started her smart remarks "For someone that is suppose to have a hot date tonight and possibly get layed is sure in a shitty mood. CeyCey and Sanem rolled their eyes at each other, got up and walked away. Sanem didn't see what Can was wearing because she was busy looking in her coffee cup. She bumps into him and grabs the top of her arms give her a very tight squeeze causing pain. "Get in my office now" he said in a very angry tone. Leyla happend to see the two of them walk by her office. Entering the room he closes the door hard and turns to Sanem. Leyla runs in Emre's office and tells him what she just saw. They both listen to what is being said since Emre's and Can's have a joining door to each others office "Why the fuck are you here again Sanem? I told you to stay home and take care of those to brats of yours." ....... "Excuse me Mr High all Mighty. First of all , for your information Deren requested that I come in to help her with the sports campaign. Second, our twins and I repeat our twins are not brats. That are only 2 months old. And last don't you ever fucking touch me again or you will have the biggest lawsuit thrown at you for harassment and causing bodily harm." He walks away and sits down at his deck, opens up his laptop and says without even looking up "I don't want to see your face at all today." ...... "All you won't that's for damn sure" she walks out and heads over to Emre's office. He closes the door so Can can't hear anything. "Emre and Leyla, I can't do this. I don't deserve to be treated like that by this asshole. I give up" ........ Sister, you can't give up! You need to stay strong. He knows he is getting to you and wants you to walk out of here. Where is the doll?" ...... "I forgot it and left it with the twins while they slept." ...... "Damnit " Emre said he than calls for CeyCey. He comes in his office "Ceycey, Can is being a dick. Take Sanem down to the Archive Room. You two will work down there all day. I will have Deren join you two. I know this is going to be a very difficult long day. Please try to get your things done sooner then later so you can get back to the Island. Can you please try to do that for me and hang in just a little bit longer. We just have to get through this an tomorrow will be a new day." ......... "OK,  we will try" ....... The two of them leave the office only to see Ceyda coming toward Can's office giving Sanem a smart ass smirk. Sanem turns around and acts like she has a gun in her hand and pretends to shoot her, blows the tip of her finger and walks down the stairs with CeyCey. When Ceyda walked in Can's office she totally drooled over what he had on. She Loves a man in black leather and went over to him placed a kiss on his check and give him a hug while taking her hand inside his shirt squeezing his pecks. Leyla and Emre were gagging watching the two of them interact.

You could feel it was beginning to get hot and heavy between them which everyone could see in the office

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You could feel it was beginning to get hot and heavy between them which everyone could see in the office. Leyla and Emre were relieved that  Sanem was downstairs and not seeing any of this. Even Deren showed a disguised look on her face before she went down to join CeyCey and Sanem. With a big thought in everyone's minds that this definitely was going to be a very long day that's for sure. Even the men that didn't know what was going on was shocked to see how Can had completely done a ninety degree turn around. They all couldn't stop  gossiping about him. He in all the time they knew him he, never ever acted like this and was always fun and enjoyable to work for and be around. Everyone had no other choice but to stay away from him and do their work. Emre felt bad for them because he couldn't say a word about anything for the risk of blowing the plan. But thankfully the day went by pretty fast and they scattered to get the hell out of there. CeyCey and Sanem were coming up to meet Leyla so they could be taken to catch the plane back home. Emre kissed Leyla goodbye and told Sanem to hang on tight for it all should end tonight. They all were standing at the front entrance waiting for Bulut to pick them up when a black limousine pulled up to the front curb. The next thing that happened took everyone by total surprise. Can walked out with Ceyda in the most ridiculous dress that she really didn't look good in at all.

 Can walked out with Ceyda in the most ridiculous dress that she really didn't look good in at all

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And Can had changed into his outfit

Her arm was around his ass with her hand in his back pocket

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Her arm was around his ass with her hand in his back pocket. His arm was around her neck and hand tucked under her dress on her breast. All you could hear was a pin drop. Sanem was no more good as she watched this man that she was falling for all over again and the father of her twins turn into the most trashy and egotistical man. She could feel every once of energy leave inside of her broken soul just crumble. CeyCey took her off around the corner to comfort her without Can or Ceyda seeing her totally breakdown. Sanem ran out the door to watch as they pulled away in the Limo. She cried for fear of this could be the last time she would she him. When all of a sudden shots were heard. Bulut was pulling up with the driver and saw her fall to the ground. Emre, Leyla and Ceycey rushed to Sanem. Bulut had seen a man hiding behind a pillar pulled out his gun shooting it multiple times until the man had fell to the ground. Ceyda heard the shoots turned to look out the rear window only to see Sanem laying on the ground. She smiled and said to herself "Good, that's for ruining my plans you Bitch" Bulut picked Sanem up in his arms climbed in the van as he to told CeyCey and Leyla to hurry up and get in to take them home. The security crew at the Agency were left to handle the man that Bulut had shot.. It was the most longest and difficult plane ride back to the Island. Aziz, Mihriban, Nihat, Mevkibe, Osman and Ayhan got word from Bulut about what happened and were waiting for them as the Helicopter landed on the Island.

Leyla called Emre to let them know they had arrived back at the Island and gave him a report on Sanem's condition. He was now at Lucca's with all the others waiting for Can and Ceyda to enter. Sadly, on the way to Lucca's Ceyda had unfortunately had her way with Can in ways that would make someone turn over in their grave. When they pulled up Emre and Ibriam could sense that something went on between them and they both hurt for Sanem. Emre and Ibriam got their act together quickly and went into task force mode immediately because this woman was pulling Can into more of her evil ways and had to be stopped before it was to late to save Can.

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