A Change Within

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Sanem had been left alone all day by Bulut's recommendations. She decide to go for a walk on the paths through the woods. When she came upon Can and Bulut standing there talking. It was quite obvious that the two of them were exercising. She ducked behind a tree to observe them and  hear what was being said.

 She ducked behind a tree to observe them and  hear what was being said

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"Bulut, we didn't want to to see anymore harm come to Sanem. Yes, I agree she should of been told but it all came on so quickly we had to plan it right then and there." ....... "I understand but, by what the Commissioner said you had a few days prior to the Party and that gave some lead way to tell her. That's what we weren't happy about. It wasn't the fact of you all wanting to protect her it was the fact of you leaving her out of it. The Investigator should of come forth knowing she was one of the victims and explaining the whole situation to her. She trust all of us here and she just feels like she was played a fool by all of you." ...... "Bulut, I care a whole hell of a lot about her and the last thing I wanted to do was make matters worst. And apparently I did. It's a very very complicated situation and no ones knows how to handle it on our end. It seems no matter what we do, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. So what, are we suppose to just sit back and act like we don't care and let her be alone.  She needs support to get through this. I fucking just want it to end and be a part of her life if she ever lets me. I am tired of walking on egg shells along with everyone else. We don't know what to do anymore. I want to know she will be alright next week when I leave town for my Photography Job" ........ "Can, why do you feel you need to make sure she is ok. She is the only one that can get through this and make herself happy. None of us can but her. She will be alright, all we can do right now is continue to show her support until she is healed within and is ready to have us a part of her life. We as men, don't always understand how a women's emotions are. One minute they are happy the next they are in tears. But, we Love them anyway. It's not up to us Can! It's up to Sanem" ...... "Your right." ...... "Let her get through these next couple of weeks and take it from there. After everything is settled through the Judge about Fabri I bet things will calm down, and she will learn to be happy again. Give her that much please." Can nods his head at Bulut at this point of the conversation.

Sanem was leaning her back against the tree hearing all of this and begins to think about her life

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Sanem was leaning her back against the tree hearing all of this and begins to think about her life. She could hear Can's true concern and passion for her by the tone of his voice. As she watched him finish his workout looking at his body on how well defined his muscles, his shape, his handsome face were. She felt something happening to her heart. This beautiful man really cared about her, not only her mental well being but her. She questioned herself wondering if he was truly her Albatross. She knew it was time to begin putting what happened to her behind and begin to be that happy, cheerful, energetic women that she once was that seemed to be so long ago. After she saw Can leave she walked away to return to her home. When she approached the house she saw Mihriban and Aziz have a intense conversation. They stopped when they saw her come up to them.

" Sanem Love I brought you some fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden"

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" Sanem Love I brought you some fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden" ...... "Thank you Mihriban" ...... "How are you doing. I want you to know that I had no idea what went on. I was even kept in the dark about the whole situation that went down last night" Mihriban said giving Aziz a look like you had better apologize now. "I am ok, just had to process the whole thing." ...... "Sanem Daughter, I am sorry, we really were only looking out for you." ...... "I realize that now after I just heard a conversation between Bulut and your son. Thanks for all you did for me." Sanem gave Aziz a hug "Listen, I want you to take a few weeks off to get this all taken care of. You don't need to worry about working and dealing with the final issues to close the case. Besides there isn't a perfume campaign anymore." ...... "Are you sure Aziz Bey" ...... "Yes, I demand it. Don't worry your job will still be there." ...... "Thank You. If you don't mind may I speak to Mihriban alone for a moment" ......He walks away leaving them as they walk up on the porch and sat down. "Mihriban, I want to Thank You and need you help" ...... "What do you need Sweetie?" ...... "I am ready to move on and need you to help me. I felt something change in me a short while ago. I know that I will still be skittish when it comes to men but any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated." ...... "Does this have anything to do with Can?" ...... Sanem blushed when Mihriban said his name "Sanem, the only thing I will say right now is this. Try to open your heart completely to him. Let your heart speak to you. He is a very special caring loving man. He hasn't had the best life either having no guidance from a unloving mother or women that used him for his money. Aziz did one awesome job raising these two men. They are respectful and responsible well beings and I adore them completely. Can highly respects and cares for you. He only wants to make you feel special and what happened to you it doesn't matter to him. He don't see you as damaged goods. You deserve to live a happy and successful life. It's time to Sanem don't be pushed around by the fear in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart." ....... "Thank You so much for those kind words and as of now I will begin to look for a brighter future within" ....... "That's my girl and your Gram would be proud to hear you say that. Have a restful night and we will talk soon." The two of them hugged Goodbye as Sanem watched her walk away she put her hand over her heart to feel it beat along with the warmth in her soul.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now