The Wolf - Pre-DSMP

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This oneshot is longer connected to 'And so time predicts itself'

Not proofread

TW // Injury(no blood), passing out, (and though it is mentioned only once and not touched on much)mention/implications of kidnapping

A wolf ran through the forest, their pawsteps could be heard throughout the thickly grown trees, it wasn't trying to be stealthy, it was trying to escape, escape from what you may ask?

"Come here you filthy thief!" Someone yelled behind it, "Give me my beef back! I was gonna cook that!" They shouted.

Though this wolf clearly wasn't in shape to run for too long, and soon enough it had to stop, No no no! I'm so close! It thought, gazing through the tall grass in it's view, a cottage with flowers and vines all over it in his sights, "Come here little thief, I won't hurt you if you give me my stuff back!" The person said behind it.

The wolf used all the energy it had left and darted to the house, leaving the person behind it in the dust, Suck on that, bitch. It thought as it approached the house, the person froze and slowly backed away, then ran way back to their village, "You idiot." Another said from the door of the house, "You could've died!" The blonde said, 'Sorry, I was hungry!' The wolf whined, "You could've asked me for food then. Come inside, I need to tend to your wounds."

After 32 minutes or so the wolf's wounds were patched up, he had a deep cut on his flank from the human show as chasing him, and many shallower ones from sticks and thorns from running in the woods, "Okay, there you go, your wounds are fixed up!" The blonde said, standing up, 'Thank you, now can you make food? I'm not going to have stolen this for nothing.' The wolf nudged the raw beef he had stolen earlier that day. "Yeah yeah, I'll make you food."

The wolf sat down in the tall grass, munching on the food the blonde avian hybrid had made for him, "Wolf, it's getting late, you'll have to stay outside tonight as my cottage is getting a bit too crowded." The hybrid's blue eyes glanced at the wolf as he closed the door to his cottage, 'Fine by me.' The wolf said, not bothered by it at all.

The wolf picked up the bowl and put it back on the windowsill for the hybrid to grab later tomorrow. 'Goodnight, human!' He barked happily, laying down on his back to look at the stars that were slowly appearing in the darkening sky, "Goodnight."

The wolf was gone for the night, and wandering around the plains where the blonde hybrid's cottage was, was a blonde boy, not human, nor hybrid. "Now, where do we go tonight?" He asked, twirling under the light of the moon and stars, "I didn't get as much sleep as I normally do, so I'll need to be careful about what I do." He paused and turned his head around, "I can go this way, I haven't gone this way before!" The blonde teen bounded off, running in the direction the moon rises.

The boy splashed in the river that shined with the moonlight, careful about his injury, "Oi, kid, what are you doin out ere? It's dangerous at night dontcha know?" Someone yelled to him, "I've never been met with anything naturally mean out here.. and I've been exploring this world for a lot of my life."

"It's clear you've been attacked by something. Judging by that injury on your shoulder." The person stated, wading into the cool midnight water, "Yeah, but this isn't from any night monster! It's from a village in the far west I stole from, and suffered the consequences of it." He told the same lie he always had when someone asked what his injuries were about, in fact it was a lie wrapped in truth, the village he'd stolen from wasn't in the west. "Hm, do you happen to have a family?"

"No, mine died years ago.."

"And your name?"

"Well, everyone just calls me Thief or Brat or.. well, I don't have my own name.. if I did have one I forgot it probably the same time my parents died.. I can't recall anything from that time."

The boy had started to wade farther into the water, he wanted an escape, he didn't trust this man. and he knew just the way of leaving

"Kid, if you go too deep you'll drown!" But the boy blocked it out, trying to act as if he were being controlled by something.

He tried his hardest to do his thing, but then he remembered that he doesn't have enough energy to do it, so he's stuck under the water for a while, he wouldn't die, of course not.

But he can pass out..

And pass out he did.

(F in the chat for Tommy lmfao)

The wolf ran through the woods, following the familiar yet not pathway he always used to take, the familiar cottage coming into view, 'Philza, that's his name.' The wolf huffed as it ran to the cottage 'Human, I've returned!' He howled, and instead of the normal blondie coming out, a person with long pink hair exited the house.

"Why is there a wolf outside the cottage?" They asked, "What do you mean why, would there be a wolf outside the house, wolves don't live in these woods." A brunette pushed the pink haired one out of the doorway, "Huh, that's weird." The brunette shrugged, "Dad, why is there a wolf outside the house?" The brunette called into the house

"There's a Wha-!?" A blonde pushed his way out of the cottage, 'Blondie!' Wolf yipped happily, "Wolf! Oh I was wondering where you were, you've been gone for a whole year!" The two behind the blonde were very confused, "Dad, why are you talking to a wolf?"

"Ah, right. This is Wolf, a wolf that came across my cottage a month or two after you left, he was very injured, so I healed him up and he started visiting me every week for the period you were gone.. well, the month before you came back, Wolf just went missing." Blondie explained, 'Yep! I was injured 79% of the time I visited Blondie.' Wolf confirmed.

'Anyways, I came to tell you, I'm sorry for leaving you, but that you'll be without me for a long time now, I have my own family and I need to keep them safe. Thank you for always keeping me safe and healed when I'd be reckless and steal things from the eastern village.' The wolf said, bowing his head and then disappearing into the deep of the forest.

"Heh, how easy it is to lie after you've been doing it for more than a year." The wolf said, shaking himself out and glowing. "I'll return to him someday as Wolf, but for now, I'm staying as free as anything." Many different forms showed between the wolf and what he'd become.

A crow, a pig, a lizard, a dolphin, and finally, a human, there were of course other forms, but they went by too fast to name, "And now, I am me, I am Tommy again." He said, in a human form, blonde with sky-blue eyes. This was his base form, the one he's used for all those days, weeks, months, stuck with the man who'd taken him with him when he passed out in the river that day.

See, he wasn't a human, but he wasn't a hybrid either, he was a shapeshifter,
Though a few things were true, he couldn't remember his origins, original name, or who his parents were.

//Tada! Shapeshifter!Innit!\\
//Except he's a full shapeshifter and can change his form between anything, compared to some other shapeshifter!innits, where he can only change between humanoid forms\\

//Will and Techno had already been Phil's children by the time this story starts, they'd just been off doing whatever the fuck they were doing, starting wars for fun, most likely.\\

//Of course I'll make Philza reunite with Tommy as Wolf. I'm not that heartless!\\

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