Two Birds - Songfic

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TW // Suicide

Two birds sat on a wire together, one flapped his wings and left into the air, the other watched from the wire, "Hey wait for me! I want to fly as well!" The other says, though he is a liar and never will leave his wire.

"I'll believe, it all!" The flying one said, landing on the wire again, "There's nothing I won't understand!" He reassured the other, "I can believe it all, and I won't let go of your love."

The two birds sat on the wire, "C'mon!" One said, flying into the air, the bigger bird who would always try to convince the other to fly, the other says "I'm tired.. And the sky is overcast so I'm sorry!" One more bird, or one less bird, no one will be worried

"I'll believe it all, there's nothing I can't understand!" The flying one said, flipping in the air, "I'll believe it all, I won't let go of your love!"

"We're two birds of a feather, we'll always stay together!" The two said, but ones never going to let go of that wire. "You need to fly with me, we can't stay here forever." The bigger on said, folding his wings down, "I will!" The smaller one promised, "But you're just a liar.." the bigger one muttered

Two birds on a wire, the bigger one flies away, and the smaller watches close from the wire, "I want to fly as well.." But they both know he's a liar.

The half-moon was overhead, it was midnight

"Wilbur!" The younger one yelled, "Wilbur after all you've done, you can't just abandon us!" He shouted to his brother, full of hatred, "Tommy, you are too scared of change to fly, so I'll make you fly myself." The older said. "Wilbur, we're two birds of a feather! You can't leave me!" Tommy cried, his voice going from angered to cracked and tearful.

"Goodbye, Tommy." Wilbur said, saluting and then falling off the cliff, "Wilbur!" Tommy yelled, running forward to try and grab his brother's hand, but it was too late, he was too far down already, instead he resorted to better methods, he spread his cream wings with gold tipped feathers and jumped off the cliff, his wings pinned at his side to let him dive faster,

too late

Wil was gone, gone to an ocean, an ocean with a storm on the horizon, "Wilbur..?" Tommy croaked, spreading his wings and gliding, "Wilbur!" Tommy sobbed, landing on an outcropping on the cliffside. Hugging himself and crying till dawn at the loss of his brother.

Two birds on a wire, one tries to fly away, and the other...

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