Wings of Icarus

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         I believe that I can fly as high as the sun if I really wanted, just like Icarus had before. My only reasoning on why I haven't tried is in fear my wings would melt away like the poor man in the old Greek myth. Though it has been deemed impossible for such to happen a man can have his fears. My beautiful wings helped me sore through the air as I looked down at my shadow that followed below me like a close friend. Chasing to find a new place full of new adventures to bring new tales and stories to share to those that will listen back home.

My wings are the exact opposite to my father Philza's wings. Better known in the books and legends as "The Angel of Death". His wings are as dark as the night sky and closely resembling large crow wings. People say that his wings are made out of obsidian and ashes from the wars that he had won with great honor but if the tales are true then I guess mine would be made of the freshest and purest blanket of snow.

Unlike my father's dark colored wings, mine are a majestic pearl white that have a close resemblance to large swan wings. They practically glow under the sunlight and shimmer like a star under the moon. They are my most prized possessions next to my guitar that was gifted to me young by my mother before she had died from an incurable sickness. I grew up on my own music really. Writing songs with father in mother's memory before going out and entertaining the children in the town square. I'd play for hours and hours with the same selection of songs over and over again. They never seemed to grow bored of it and honestly I don't blame them as I seem to never do either.

I guess at this point it's all my life really is about. It's the same routine every waking morning. Get up by dawn to see father before he leaves for town because I know he won't be back until around the late afternoon, go for a morning flight to un-stiffen the wings, come back around noon to hopefully see if he had returned, eat brunch to make up for the missed breakfast meal, train with father to become just as strong as he is, play music out in the town to distress, come back home by dusk so I don't stay out past curfew, eat dinner and talk about my day with Father, go to bed, and then repeat and do it all over again. Don't get me twisted. My schedule is rather unique compared to those in the town but when you do the same things over and over again with no subtle change on repeat every day can get tiring. Very tiring.

Soon the green tree tops and healthy grass under me faded into the warm and welcoming sand of the shoreline. I decided to take a break from my daily flight and slowly lowered myself down with a small gust of wind that sent the surrounding sand flying off all around me. I closed my eyes as I stood up right, tucking my wings behind me as I waited for the sand to settle once more so none would blind me.

Singing Shore was the name of this beach. It had been given its name through many different ways. It all depended on what you were told growing up. Some say it's because the wind howls out warnings of storms, others say it's because you can hear the call of whales and dolphins searching for a mate right from the shoreline, and then there are those that say it's earned its name due to the sirens that have been seen swimming around the area close to the shore while singing their deadly song as they tried to pull any unlucky land lover that was close enough to hear them to the water for them to grab and drag under.

Sirens. Dangerous creatures that some have claimed to witness lurking down just below the water's surface with a pale upper body of a woman and a lower body of an overgrown fish that ranges in different colors from the dimmest reds to the brownest greens. They are known to lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and talented singing voices to shipwreck on the nearest rocky shore to feast on the men and women aboard. Some times if their desperate enough they are known to start lurking closer to the shore to get an unlucky passer go-or to satisfy their taste for human blood. Their stories are mostly shared by the town's elders to keep children away from the water unsupervised to prevent missing children and drownings but some grew up still believing.

That's the version I had been taught. Though it would be nice to think that these monsters are not real and are only just myths I can't help myself but wonder. The ocean is only so big and we've only discovered so much. Who knows what could be hiding down under the surface, camouflaging in the mess of sea weed and kelp.

I come to Singing Shore more often then I'd ever admit but the sight was truly something of beauty and it wasn't to far from home so it's not to much of an inconvenience whenever I do come here. I stepped closer to the water, feeling the sand move under my footing and the misty kiss of the wind blowing through my short brown hair that was a mess of curls. I stopped at the farthest outline of wet sand from the highest point the waves had reached today, looking out at the waves and distant clouds.

It was calming compared to the loud ruckus of the towns people chattering about the latest gossip and more welcoming then the painful silence at home with father gone. Though my place was meant for the sky high above the water had always been something I admired. I stretched out my wings to let the misty breeze flow through the feathers and clean away the little grains of sand that got stuck and tangled in between them. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath in. The smell of salt and fish filled my senses as a small smile crept to my lips.

The sound of the wind hitting my ears slowly softened before being replaced to a soft hum of a tune came out from some where in front of me. My eyes fluttered open as I met the ocean water again. Finding no one and nothing. Curiosity and a sense of dread seemed to hold me in my place as they fought over wether to run or walk closer into the water. The humming got louder as I stood in place. I couldn't make out any words if there was any at all.

Finally resisting the urge and going with my better sense of judgement I tucked my wings back in as I started to get ready to leave. As I turned to walk through the pathway to get to the village I looked back at the water once more before looking at the start of the dirt path. The humming had since died down and the wind had carried on as loud as before. I stepped forward before stopping dead in my tracks as I saw someone walking towards me from said pathway.

The taller male stopped as well when he saw me, moving his eyes up and down as he observed me before a small smile appeared.

"Nice to see you again Wilbur. Didn't expect you to be out here" He spoke in greeting. His voice was as blank and monotone as ever.

The blood god himself had returned home from the wars. "Welcome home TechnoBlade."

False Lullaby. {Wing!Wilbur Soot x Siren!Sally} Where stories live. Discover now