Voice of Aoede

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The response was soft spoken but sounded as sweet as honey and could be heard as clear as day. It was a response I definitely did not think I would get under any out come of this ordeal. There, peeking out of the water was a beautiful pale skinned woman with red or ginger hair, it depended on where the sun shined on it to truly tell but even then it was still difficult to tell which color it actually was. Her hair reached down as low as her lower back but was probably even longer when detangled and brushed out. She definitely was something of beauty, more beautiful then any and all of the ladies in town. At least, in my opinion.

Some of the most defining features was her fish fin like ears and red-ish scales that started from her lower body and freckled up to her neck. Speaking of which, in replacement of her legs was the lower body of a super sized sock-eyed salmon like I had seen moments earlier. Her scales were noticeable through the smallish white dress that she wore that currently was clinging to her body and was just a bit see through due to being soaking wet but being the gentleman I am I kept my eyes up and away from her breast. Instead I focused on her silver eyes that were extraordinary and gave a strange but welcoming feeling. It was like something I have never seen or really felt before.

"Holy shit," Was the very first sentence that slipped through my lips without thinking before I internally scolded myself for it and spoke up again to the lady with a kind smile, "Hello there."

She seemed hesitant at first as she swims slightly closer to me and tilts her head in curiosity as she looked me over before she seemed to have a realization of some sort, "You are the guy that comes here often, are you not?"

I was surprised that she had even took notice of me and or recognized me in the first place. The way she talked was like someone who learned old English and just never took the time to learn the present day slang or maybe it was just that English wasn't her first language and was still trying to learn. It wouldn't be too surprising if the second option was the case. Many people in Welston spoke more then one language, ranging from Spanish to German to Dutch and all the way to the more mythical languages known as Enderspeak, Enchantment, and even Piglin.

Deciding to not keep her waiting much longer, I responded back, "Yeah that would be me. My name is Wilbur Minecraft by the way. What about you? Do you have a name or something for me to call you by Miss?"

Her mood seemed to brighten as I introduced myself. Even a smile showed on to her lips before she nods and gives me an answer, "Nice to meet you Wilbur Minecraft, I Sally Soot!"

The siren introduced herself in a cheerfully tone, maybe better described as a happy chime of some sorts. The name Sally really did suit her well from her over all looks to her bubbly and friendly and welcoming like personality. I had a feeling she was pulling me into her and it was almost like she made me want to get closer to her and not just physically but emotionally or mentally as well. I know the stories of her kind like the back of my hand so I think I will keep the space between us for the time being. At least until I feel like I can trust her enough to not pull some tricks on me.

"That is a very nice name Sally," I complimented her, smiling slightly as I untuck and then re-tuck my wings against my back to keep them from going stiff, "You don't mind if I were to stick around for a little while, right? It's just that it isn't every day I get to see, let alone talk to someone quite like yourself."

"Oh no, please do stay," She said quickly, almost stumbling over her words practicality right after I stopped speaking, "I have not seen someone like you before or like your friend there that was here from late night to the early morning. I wish to get to know you more if that would be of the okay?"

I think she is referring to Schlatt's drunk late night adventure recently before I had found him this morning. So I guess that means she took notice in Schlatt's presence as well? Now I'm starting to wonder just how long she might've been here near the shore or just staying here in general.

"Ah yeah, it's okay. It's clear that we both have some questions to ask each other so may as well get the answers while we both can," I said before sitting down on the sand below me and crossing my legs with my wings outstretched against the sand behind me.

It's clear I'm gonna be here for a while so why stand the entire time? Might as well get comfortable and make myself at home.

She beams and sinks under the water for a short period of time to do a small barrel spin of what I guess was out of excitement before popping her head back up to the surface and speaking in broken English, "Yes yes! I ask first, yes?"

I smiled at her excitement to ask questions and answer mine before nodding, "Sure go on ahead. How about we set up a system so you can ask a question then it's my turn to ask."

"Yes that very works," she said quickly in her excitement before asking her first question, "What are you and your friend?"

Well I could have expected that, It's simple enough so I'll answer truthfully for her, "Oh my friend is a faun. Which is a half goat half man. His name is JSchlatt but prefers Schlatt by the way. I am a Harpy or a Sirin, what ever mythological view point you have been taught. I'm just a half bird half human."

"Oooh," She said as her eyes sparked and showed her interest before doing an excited little clap and shimmy that caused water ripples around her, "Okay okay, your turn!"

I chuckle lightly at her reaction before thinking of my first question then asking, "So how long have you been by this shore?"

She thinks about her answer and even sticks her hands out of the water to count on her fingers for just how long she was here before sticking them out towards me with one hand having four fingers up and the other having three, "Four days and three nights I've been here!"

"Oh, that means you haven't been here for long then," I concluded mostly to myself but loud enough for her to hear after she answers and I nod.

"Mhm!" She hums cheerfully and sinks her hands back under the water before asking for my confirmation for her to ask a question, "My turn again right?"

"Yeah go on ahead and ask away," I confirmed for her as wanted and waited patiently for her to ask her question.

"What's a goat? I know what bird is, they swim where I can't reach," she said as she points up to the sky and looks up to the clouds before back to me, "But never seen a goat."

Did she really not know what the sky is? I guess that kinda makes some sense when you live under the water for all your life but you'd think she was know. Well I guess I was right about being here for a while.

Glad I made myself comfortable.

False Lullaby. {Wing!Wilbur Soot x Siren!Sally} Where stories live. Discover now