Ripple Effect

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Music swarms and echoes throughout the town square as I skillfully strummed the correct cords on my guitar by memory with the voices of children and some adults young and old joining in and singing along to the songs I have written. I was sitting on the edge of the cobblestone wishing well that was in the middle of the town square as it is my normal spot for when I preformed but it is also the place that town meetings would be held but that is only on very rare occasions.

Even with my mind trying to focus on the small concert I couldn't help but wonder back to the image of what exactly I saw at the beach in the water only hours earlier. It didn't look like a fish or anything that seemed natural for the area so I was left confused and full of questions of what it was. I just couldn't pin point it or even an idea of what it could've been. It had been pestering me since I saw it.

Sure, curiosity killed the cat but when you're in your early twenties and still live with your Father and non-blood related uncle without anything to find entertainment in besides the same things you do every damn day of course your curiosity is not going to be easy to contain under lock and key. So no one can blame me for being overly curious about this new mystery.

Soon the song I had been preforming came to an end and the crowd cheered and clapped, some of them even whistled for me. I smiled at their cheering as I stood from my spot and placed my guitar into my inventory as I cut the concert short for the day. The crowed started to diverse and went back to what they were originally doing when they got the hint that I was done for the day. A short blond haired women walked up to me with a red rose in her hand, holding it out for me to take.

"I love your concerts Wilbur," She said with a light smile, her voice soft and smooth like honey, So I wanted to give you one of the best flowers in my shop as of now."

I smiled at the gift, taking the rose and running my hand over the petals that still had some water droplets on them from being watered earlier this morning, "Thank you Niki, it's beautiful. I'll be sure to remember to put this in a vase when I get back home."

Nikiachu or Niki as she prefers was one of the shop keepers here. She owned a small flower shop called Flowers of Welston which was also the name of the town. The shop was on the same street as Gun Point Saloon and was actually just only two buildings down from it. The Saloon would often buy flowers as decorations from her shop and payed her a lot for it with money and a free drink whenever she would walk in. You'd never guess it but she actually makes good profit from it as the mayor also pays her to decorate the town for festivals and other celebrations and festivities. She quite enjoyed doing her job so she was truly a happy and sweet young woman.

"I'm sorry if I sound nosy but I couldn't help but overhear Schlatt this morning on his way to the saloon talking about you hearing a siren lately," She says, starting a conversation with me, "is it true? Did you really hear one?"

Niki is a believer of the sirens just like me. I guess that is another reason among the many others why we get along so well. The only difference is that she doesn't fear them like the other believers do but instead she found them as misunderstood creatures. She actually wishes to meet one one day so I can understand why she would want to know if I did truly hear one.

I nod before responding truthfully, "I haven't really figured it out yet if I actually did hear one but I saw something earlier in the water before I came here."

Her eyes widened and sparked in interest before pressing on with the questions, "Really? Did you see what it was?"

I shrugged, "No sadly I didn't. That's why I cut today's concert short so I could go back to singing shore."

She nods before opening up her inventory and took out a small bundle of what looked to be like dried lavender and some type of dried leaves with some fresh yellow-ish orange petals from some type of flower that I couldn't name. She stuffed the bundle onto one of the pockets of my yellow jacket.

"According to the tales, Sirens like the smell of Marigold and the Lavender is used for protection to keep you safe. The bay leaves are just for luck," She explained, stepping back when she was finished. "I wish you luck on your exciting new mystery."

I smiled and patted my pocket to make sure the bundle was safe and Secure so they wouldn't fall out on the way there, "Thank you, it means a lot coming from you of all people. As much as I'd like to stick around though I should be going now so I don't lose more sunlight."

She nods, "Before you go, I wanted to tell you to meet me at Schlatt's saloon later. Schlatt invited me to have a drink and said I could bring someone along as a plus one. I'll want a recap of your experience at the shore when you get back."

"Yeah I'll be sure to be there. I'll probably join you guys late though. Maybe around sunset so I can spend the most time at the beach possible," I said with a polite smile.

She smiles at my words before waving and starting to head back to her shop, "I'll see you later then, don't want to hold you up for to long"

I waved back to her as I watched her leave, "See you later Niki! Thank you again," I said before looking around to make sure everyone was out of my way before stretching my wings out and taking off to the sky.

With one small loopty loop mid air I was on my way to Singing Shore, pressing a hand on the bundle of herbs and flowers so they wouldn't slip out. The beach came into view from my spot in the sky so I slowly lowered myself down, closing my eyes as I landed just on the outskirts of the beach. There was no wind today so the water was as still as can be when I opened my eyes. I tucked my wings back up before walking closer to the water, looking around the surface of the ocean.

When there was nothing that gave any signs of something mythological I looked down to my side before reaching down and grabbed a small rock. I tossed it in my hand before turning my attention back into the water. I held the rock tight and pulled my arm back before throwing the rock into the clear water as far as possible. I watch it splash, causing a group of ripples to spread out along the water. I waited for a moment as I was trying to see if that would cause any sort of reaction.

For a few minutes nothing seemed to happen until a small splash came from the spot next to where I had thrown the rock. It surprised me enough to pause and take a moment to register what I had just seen. I looked around the sand before finding another rock. I looked back to the water after picking it up and threw the rock in a little closer then the last. This time the reaction was quicker and bigger as a small wave was sent my way. No way in hell was this a fish or a dolphin or any kind of animal. I was about to find another rock when the familiar hum sounded in the water.

My attention instantly snapped back to the water right on time to see a large bottom half of what looked to be a sockeye salmon swim past. I stepped closer to the water as my nerves buzzed in excitement of my new finding.

"Hello? Who's out there?" I called out, causing the humming to quiet down.

My heart sunk as the humming went quiet. It was quiet and definitely made me feel hopeless about solving this mystery until I heard something I was hoping for.


False Lullaby. {Wing!Wilbur Soot x Siren!Sally} Where stories live. Discover now