Chapter 2

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5 year old Kaji glanced excitedly between the presents and his dad with glowing amber eyes, clinging onto Shoto's hand and bouncing slightly. Hugging his and Kōri's bodies were little Santa's elves onesies, green with accompanying hats with jingle bells on the end that rang every time they moved. Shoto had been forced by his boys to wear a Santa outfit. He hesitantly accepted the idea when Kimiko did her best to convince him.

For Christmas Kaji had wished for a hero figurine of his dad. As soon as he could understand enough about the world, he admired his father for his occupation - for doing something as wonderful as saving peoples lives and protecting the city. He wanted to be that too.

While his dad didn't like speaking about hero work around his kids, the boy still found a way to put him on the highest shelf and adore him unlike anybody else. He loved his dad, he was his hero.

"And this ones for you," His mother, Kimiko, smiled, passing him another present and placing it in front of him. Uncle Katsuki watched with kind eyes from across the room on the sofa, his 3 month old daughter Kayda in his arms, Uncle Eijiro leaning into the blonde slightly as he played with her, soothing down her platinum-blonde strands of hair.

Mina, Sero and Sero's girlfriend were stood around the room, watching the kids as they began opening their Christmas presents. On the floor, Momo sat with Ichika in her lap as they opened gifts while Ochaco and Kurai helped 4 year old Izume with hers.

Shoto sat down with Kaji, 10 month old Koyuki jumping in his lap restlessly. Next to him was Kimiko and Kōri, the white haired kid watching everyone with wide and curious yet shy eyes. He didn't often stray far from his mother's side, almost every second of the day holding onto the hem of her shirt.

In less that 30 minutes, all of the children had opened the majority of their presents, Kaji left with only one now.

Picking it up with tiny hands, he shook it slightly in hopes of the sound giving away what was inside.
"Who's it from, Kaji?" Shoto peered over, ruffling up his soft red hair "Can you read it?"
The boy squinted his eyes at the writing, looking at each letter "Uncle Eijiro, Uncle Katsuki and baby Kayda," He grinned proudly at his reading skills.
"Good job, buba," He praised, kissing the side of his head gently.

Koyuki made several whining noises as she tried to escape her dad.
"You wanna walk?" Shoto asked quietly as she squirmed in his hold, placing her feet on the floor "Go walk to mummy,"

He watched the girl carefully as she waddled over to Kimiko, tripping over once but making it over in the end.
"Well done, baby," She cooed, scooping her into her lap.

"Hey! Hikari!" Denki hissed as he watched his one year old boy speed walking out of the room.
Kiyoka threw her palm onto her forehead as she watched her husband run after her son "Oh for Christ-"

"He seems like a nightmare already," Ochaco giggled, Izume clapping her hands in entertainment.
"You got that much right," The purple-haired woman sighed as she watched Denki reenter the room, Hikari sat on his shoulders and giggling loudly "I'm telling you, he's inherited his dads ADHD."

"Demon, you," Denki playfully growled, lifting him off his shoulders to hold in his arms. The boy wriggled while laughing, trying to run away again but his dad wasn't having any of it.

Kaji was ignoring all of this, though, fingers tearing away at the wrapping paper to get to the gift inside.

When the box inside revealed itself, his eyes glimmered with pure joy.

A Pro Hero Shoto Figurine.

Immediately, he attempted to open the box, unfortunately failing.
The dual-haired man watched shortly, before clearing his throat and looking up at Bakugo through his eyebrows.

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