3~ Dinner Party

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"Did you have a good day at school honey?" Dad asked as I walked in the door.

He does most of his work from home so he's pretty much always here. He's a chief financial officer of a national company, he's trying to get the business to expand to San Francisco so he can work in an office.

"It was good dad" I said as I headed straight to the kitchen. School take a lot of energy so I need a lot of food.

What? I'm a growing high school girl.

"Do you have any homework?"

"Yeah just a little bit from biology and   History" I shrugged and headed up to my room.

I threw my bag down and let out a big sigh.

"Oh how I hate school" I said before I started on my homework.

I got more than halfway through and I was dead.

I walked down stairs to get a drink and get a break from my homework.

"Are you done with you're homework sweetheart?" Mom smiled as I walked downstairs.

"No I'm almost done though I needed a break" I hugged her.

"Okay but you have to finish it before the Sanders get here for dinner tonight"

"I know mom"

I grabbed a coke from the fridge and went back upstairs to finish the deeded history homework.

It's my worst subject. I care more about my future than I do about the past.

After I finally finished that, I threw it in my bag to turn in tomorrow.

I sighed with relief and turned on Netflix until Del got here.

My phone dinged with a text message. I paused my tv show and looked at my phone.

It was Harry Larry, more commonly known as Larissa.

Hey pine tree! How you doin?

You have got to stop watching friends

but it's going good.

Any cute guys? ;)



I could hear her sarcastic innocence from here.

Yes there's a group of brothers that are particularly hot


Yeah and the all wear leather jackets and are brothers


Yeah. How are you and the girls?

We're all good but we all miss you

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