20~ Plane rides

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One week before Christmas. One day before I can see my friends again. Three days before I tell Alex what happened between Parker and I. I decided it would be best to wait until after I came back from Kansas. 

"Are you packed for tomorrow, sweetie?" Mom poked her head into my room. 

"Yes mom I have everything packed and ready to go." 

"Are you sure you absolutely have everything?" she worried. 

I rolled my eyes at her but answered her question. "Yes and if I forget anything I'll borrow something from Larry." 

"Okay honey I'm just worried." 

"Everything will be fine" I assured her. 

My phone buzzed and a text from Alex appeared across my screen. 

Come over? 


I replied. 

I made sure I had my phone and keys. I slipped on my vans and headed downstairs. 

"Mom I'm going to Alex's really quick!" I called as I exited the house. 

"Have fun!" She yelled out of the door, drying her hands with a kitchen towel. 

I opened my car door and got in and started the car. I put on my spotify playlist. It might be a short drive but who cares. 

I pulled up to the Haywood's house. 

"Hey Dannie!" I hugged her as she opened the door. 

"Hey Aspen! I think the boys might be in the living room. Do you need anything?" 

"No thank you for asking though." I smiled at her. 

"No problem dear, I'm making brownies for the boys, they'll be done in a couple of minutes." 

"You're the best Dannie" I said as I started to walk away. 

"I try" She called after me with a laugh. 

I walked into the living room. Jasper, Silas and Parker were all sitting in the living room. Jasper was watching football, Silas was on his phone, undoubtedly texting Layla, Parker was listening to music. None of them seemed to notice me walk in. "Hey boys, mind telling me where my boyfriend is?" I asked. 

Parker took out his ear buds and looked up at me. Jasper smiled, "I think he just went upstairs with Ashley." 

"Ashley?" I questioned. I didn't question the fact that they're alone together. I trust both of them enough to know that won't happen. 

"Yeah something about Ash," He shrugged and turned his attention back to the TV. 

I just noticed that Parker stood up and was now standing next to me. 

"I'm going upstairs anyway, I'll go with you" He offered, which confused me. I know the house pretty well, I don't need help around. 

I gave his a confused look but he ignored it as we walked upstairs. 

We got to the second level and suddenly he yanked me into a bathroom. 

"Parker, what the hell?" I questioned. 

He didn't say anything, he just kissed me. 

I pushed him off before I could find myself kissing him back. 

"I repeat, What the hell?" 

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking" 

"Damn right you weren't! I told you to forget it happened, it was a mistake." 

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