12~ Halloween Hookups

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"It's Halloween!" Someone yelled, waking me up, before jumping on top of me.

"What the hell?" I asked groggily and slowly opened my eyes.

I saw my best friend laying on top of me.

"Five more minutes" I groaned pushing Delilah off of me and onto the floor.

She mumbled something about me under her breath before shaking me.
"But it's Halloween" she whined. "Plus we have school and if you don't get up we'll be late"

"How did you even get in my house?" I didn't open the door and I never heard the doorbell, it would've woken me up.

"That's not the point, the point is it's Halloween!" She squealed shaking me. "So get your ass up and get dressed for school."

I forced myself out of bed and, without my morning coffee, I got ready.

After thirty minutes, I was finally ready. Del was waiting downstairs excitedly.

As soon as she saw me she dragged me out of my house and I never got my coffee.

We arrived at school and I'm pretty sure Delilah was about to explode.

I got to my locker and finally had some piece and quiet, Delilah was ranting the whole way to school about the party tonight. My piece and quiet was short lived.

"Hey Aspen" Parker and Alex came up to me.

"I swear if you two say anything somewhat annoying I will murder both of you" I warned before they said anything else. I think I might've terrified them

"We brought you coffee" Parker said pulling a coffee from behind his back. I snatched it out of his hand taking a nice long drink. "We couldn't remember what you ordered so we asked Savannah and we got you and iced caramel latte. I hope that's okay"

"You guys are saints" I hugged both of them. "Why did you get me coffee though? You always say I have too much." I skeptically eyed them as I took a sip of the deliciousness that is stored inside this plastic cup.

"Well it Halloween and your best friend is Del, need I say more?" Alex half-joked.

We all walked to class. Of course we all have different schedules.
Del and I walked into the cafeteria together and went to our normal seat.

We looked at the boys' table and saw Briar sitting with them.

"What's Briar doing here?" I asked out loud, not really asking anyone.

"Briar's here?" Del freaked out fixing her hair.

"Yes he is and look he's coming this way" I pointed to Briar walking towards us.

"Hey Aspen, hey Del" he said as he sat next to Delilah.

He stole her food and I swear she almost smacked him in the head.

"Hey Briar" I said.

After stealing more of Del's food, he looked at the both of us. "Why don't you sit with the boys?" He asked.

Honestly I didn't have an answer. We just never went over there. They came over her a couple times but that was only for a few minutes.

"I don't know" I answered honestly.

"Well you start today" he got up and started walking.

We both stared at him with wide eyes, staying in our seats.

He turned around when he realized we weren't behind him. He groaned before grabbing us by the wrists and dragging us to the Haywood's table.

I could feel the whole cafeteria staring at us as we were dragged by the oldest Haywood.

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