2~ The Project

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The next morning I forced myself to get out of bed and there was only one way to do that. Coffee.

I happily trotted downstairs with the smell of delicious coffee in my nose.

I poured myself a cup and sat in the kitchen with mom drinking coffee.

I looked at the time and if I didn't start getting ready soon I would be late for school. So I forced my self to get ready.

There's a lot of forcing myself to do things in the mornings.

As I put my shoes in I saw something out of my window. It was a person, my neighbor getting into their car. Wait, that's Delilah.

I rushed across my room to text her not to leave her house yet.

she listened because her car never left her driveway. I grabbed my bag and rushed outside.

"Aspen!" She squealed when she saw me and ran into my arms.

"You live there? Right next to me?"

I was in shock. I knew a girl my age lived there but I didn't expect it to be Delilah.

"Yeah, and you live next to me?" She squealed.

"How have I not seen you yet? I've lived here for a few days"

"We'll I was at my grandma's this weekend and I worked late last night."

"You know what this means right?" I squealed.

"Best friends!" We screamed ta the same time.

"So, how was the cheesecake? I made it myself." Delilah said nonchalantly like we didn't just find out that we lived next to each other.

"Delilah the cheesecake was amazing. You did good" I laughed lightly.

"The recipe was my grandma's, she opened the bakery, my parents run it now though"

We talked a few minutes before going to school. She drove me because I didn't feel like driving this morning.

The warning bell rung and I headed to English and she went to her first period class.

Ashton was sitting at the desk on his phone. I sat next to him and tried to make conversation.

"So since this project is sixty percent of our grade and due in two weeks I think we should get started with it today. Do you want to meet up in the library after school and start it?"

"No, I don't do libraries, we'll go to my house instead." He didn't even look up from his phone.

"I hardly even know you why should I-"

"Meet me at the side of the school after school" he completely ignored me.

The tardy bell rang and class started.
We started the class discussion of why we read classic literature and not modern crap.

"Modern books have no meaning, no moral to the story. It's simply just there. Classics like To Kill a Mocking Bird or Moby Dick or Romeo and Juliet actually have a purpose" a girl spoke up.

"Like what? What is so meaningful in the Great Depression, a man getting his leg eaten, two idiots dying when they could've avoided everything" Ashton spoke up.

Leave it to him to go against classics.

"No, themes like subsiding prejudices and treating everyone as equals, too much of something is not good, and true love knows no bounds." I argued.

"You can't argue that modern literature doesn't have any morals. There's a moral to every story."

"Name three" I challenged looking staring into his blue eyes.

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